Τρίτη 22 Μαΐου 2018

Logs of 13/5 Sunday

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typical R7 2x16H antennas
15215   AWR 1540 nutrition talks in HIndi mationing  sugar ans several fruits S9
15330 VoA 1544 ID with talk in Urdu  as menioned with referenes on Pakistan and Kurds S5
15825 WWCR 1551 seems in DSB  rather than AM Best using ECSS S7
9865 Vid Bharti 1552 with song talks about Boloywood S8
9870 CRI 1555  discussions in English  and laughs suden s.off 1556
9390  RFE RL 1558 with IS  and ID in various languages . prgram in turkmen S9 //11790
9425 VoKorea 1604 with program in german and hymn S9
11600 BStair 1609 he well known pastor with intense religious taks S5 poor audio
11645 VoK 1613 program  in Eng with newstalks in Nigeria Mali and other African countries S9 max
11900 CRi 1613 talks in Eng in a thatre  type show with a very sexy YL voice and a man  //11940 S20 abd 11965 S10
6400 Pyongyang pangsong 1643 with operas S4 max
9820  VoA  1712 in  kurdish mentions of Kurdistan S9

Please share the link to your frinds! 

7725.87 unknon pirate 1654 with old songs , i  recognized perhaps a rock and rocll after babebulbe no ID on 1700
6925 Italian QSO 1637 with S7
6655 a greek QSO 1639 adn then 6725 in a more noisey place
15620  -- 1547 Dx program in Englsih : asutralian radio and TV EXC summits iths yer in Bratislava on 30th august  adn Philipines DXC  S9 I stoped listening on 1551 to look for more stations. No entry in Eibi

Δευτέρα 21 Μαΐου 2018

Logs for 17-19

1103+ 8 m antenna

9790  VoTurkey  1833 with news in Eng mentioing rohingas turkey  etc then ID local signal
9775 R Rom  Intl 1845 jazz musisc  german lang talks mention australia 'stick ontime' 1849  jaz song adn then ID Good
9770 CRi 1844 + 47 with talks in Russian and song Good
9740  KBS 1850 in spasnish long talks about he koran reconcilaition  Good
9730 ViViet 1855 in german  ,  ref to imigants in Gemany  1856 a carrier QRM the time VoV stoped progam ON 1859 a strong  signal with  CRI in portuguese

7140 VBOM 1731 HoA song  fair signal
7180 VoBM2 1732 HoA soing fair signal
11775 CRI 1800 after IS with ID in  german abd then news Good
11810 BBC 1805 n4ws in Eng reference to Congo fair
9860  KBS 0745 music then talks in korean Good
11675 TRT  0747 trad  turkish song

Τετάρτη 16 Μαΐου 2018

Logs of 5/5 ...(leftover)

....with PL380 and 8 m wire inductive with readout indications :
40 fair 60 good  70+ local 
Please  promote this page to your friends with my kink

9730 VoVviet  1757 a song YL in viet , carrer 45-60 msx
9695 CNR 1759 talks , Yibi gaungbo , adverts 45-60 good
9675  SABC arab 1801 quran preaches Khadija 60+ QRM 9670
9670 CRI 1805 talks in farsi 50-61
9600 CRi 1807 discussions 60+
9570  NEW Life Station  1808 interviews in Ru  abt japan adn siberia 41-50
9500 CRI 1819 in Romanain nentioning acasa poerty FYROM apoem  grat audio 50 max
9480 CRI 1813 in French fair
9965 Firecracker 1817 nice trad muisc 65
9940 TWR 1819 metioning Pavlos Simon Petro Iisus 65-70 This is ino how greek  names on apostlesa re exactly spoken Eibi refres to Tigre though it doesnot sound to me.
9830 DW 1825 in Hausa  talks - good
9810 BVB 1826 religious program a radio pastor  metioning an an emil wrp@??? 65-72
9850 Vatican 1842 Ave Marias with YL preists 70-83

MW1305/729  signalsof ERA  are  good

Κυριακή 13 Μαΐου 2018

Logs for 8/5 near Mt Olymp

PL380 in hands with antenna  fully detached while  walking near  the main street adn writing logs  in a paper !Many logs were loist while I was  walking. Noise  free reception
Please coment on my logs ! 
Important: Please sugest  also your other  fellows to visit my page   ! Thanks. 

11940  CRI 1635 in ENg  heritage crazyman shouting  Good
11890  1627 tibetan  song Good
11860 yemen 1629 quranic preaches
9830 155x with AWR in BU with ID adn then relig progrtam  Strong  CNR 1630 musisc poor
9180 SoH <1600 with poor signal but clearly  heard .
9100 VoPeople >NK 1555 with whitenoise QRN
6130 XIzang   16xx in English better than 7385
6090  amhara 1555v with poor signal
6025 CRI inEng 1636  discussons fair
7250 BAngla 1638 ID  fair
6165 NHK 1641 talks in JJ good
9835 RTM poor tst in 1557 1600 adn 1630

In a room also noise free due to late time Unkown resons that the  radio has shifted its time indiator . approxiamte times writen around 1.5-25 mins less at max excl the last when i looked at my watch!
7280 VoV 2145 mix of english talks and songs fair
7240 CRi 2146 CC lessons inkorean fair
7325 CRI 2147 prgram tableround fair
7370 CNR 2148 CC talks Good + FSK
7385 Xizang Lhasa  2145  TB pop songs (westernized ) GOod
7425 IRIB 2150 arab tlsk in quranic ,underground preaches  Good
7505 CNR 2154 talks multipe applauds QRM in RRI Good
7550  AIR 2152 Bolly songs of 80s ID
9320 VoA Viet 2154 mentioning variosu caountries inlcl Yemen Fair
9760 RRomIntl  2201 econim news Good
11790 Hewa 2208 arabic  religious prog ? aab song 'el gayazam ' meytimes  mentioned Good
6025 string //6130 fair Xizang Lhasa asong YL abd OM  talks
6050 CNR2230 XInwen hepao xhezayao jiemo -analytical  News prog Good

Please coment on my logs ! 
Important: Please sugest  also your other  fellows to visit my page   ! Thanks. 

Κυριακή 6 Μαΐου 2018

MW receptions on 29th (part 3 )

Clasic  recption system : R75 1x16 inv V AND Q3  recorder
4804.13v  2040 harmonic of 1601.39v greek pirate at   which has te same lave at S5! the fundamental is QRMed from 1602 with stronger signal that causes reception  posisble only with LSB !
1550 RASD 2050 talks in arabic S5  signal frm RAI  on 1548 is rather poor at S4
1305/1008/729  ERA 2055  airing Kosmos prgram with foreign music
1566 fTWR  from Benin 2121 man refering to bamako , religious talks in unIDed language a guitar play 2158 retune in with french talks . incredible signal to S4 audible for more than  70% of time.  There are  some recordings posted here:
1610-1775  kHz were filled by greek and slavic pirates on 2130-7 !
1278    2137  songs of turkish or turkic  song of traditional style  one of them mentioning Yerevan , very short talks by YL wen te signal was faded out that icould not recognize the lang . max level S3 at most time with S1 adn below
mwlist mentions IRIB  kemanshah tough music is totaly diferent !
1233 Radio Deczovka 2145 with ID then with germanic songs S5
1377 2204 with pop rythm  music  S2 max , poss radio one from italy as per mwlist
1386 2209  russian station  mixed with greek radio pirate >>> mwlist writes : baltic waves relaying RL-Ru
1413  Vesti  FM 2210 as heard  from UKR  , woman with  talks poss news S9  >>MLD
1467.4 IRIB 2223 traditional song , bername short balh blah in farsi then back to songs S5 Mixed from 1467 requires playingwit the  filter

Παρασκευή 4 Μαΐου 2018

Logs for 29/4 part B (at night )

Logs for 29/4 part B (at night )

Clasic  recption system : R75 1x16 inv V

9785 TRT  1919  with turk song  S--
6055 CRi 1920 with nerws in french S30
6280 pirate 1922 old pops  S5
9390 R Thailand 1933  prgoam in English talkig in  corruption , trust in thailand , int'l security comission  S10
9425 VoK 1938 operas  talks in german S5
9520 & 9685 nothing  from Cairo  on 194x
9420 & 9935 nothing ffrom  ERA on 194x
6090  CRI in Albanian  1959  refering to Mesenger (their newspaper or the comp program?) S20
6130 TWR  Swaz in PP 1954 with religiosu program deus , curacao etc hilife sng S7
9895 Egypt in French 2020 with song  FMish audio quality, poor and dull  audio,
9885 BBC?  2025 in abrabic manytimes  bBC was refered in the dicusion
9810 IRIB 2027   Aqui tehran in spanish S10
9780 CRi in Romanain  2020 refefirng to Bulgaria and facbook S20
9490 VoA  2056 h mnetioning progress talks passes  the 2100 witout ID S8
7295 CNR 2100 at S1 only
7210 VoK 2105 with nice operas . it reminded me the older Chinese operas of 80s //9425
7240 CRI 2111 CRi's old IS signal "the east is read" this  Is was imedately folwoed with a   nice pop song sung by man S-
7285  CRI 2115 in English @S7 //7415 @S20 mentioning  Alexa  voice activation . it is an IT program
7550  AIR 2117 a relatively modernized 80's hindi song -  a bot of rock - posibly called 'I m free man '
15825, 15670 poor,15610,15580,155550U,15390Sp , 15245poor, 15140 poor ,15034U are the only ones  received  on 2150

MW logs of the day  in  post #3