Τετάρτη 24 Ιανουαρίου 2018

Logs for 19-1

9835 RTM-S 1651 justmarginal
13820 Marti 1653 OM with talks in  spanish between two women Max S2 and strong local noise
9390 VoA 1706 un Kurdish ID da washinton kurdidenge amerca , news,S7 //9490 on 1714 S20
9400 BBCWS  1707 news in ENg S5 max 34423
7495 Deewa 1710 man talking in PS  with folk follwing hm mIxed talks in public can heard between anotehr >Inshallah YL talking over music mentioning Pakistan ID as Inja afganistan Kabul (inja seems  tajik afair ) and menntioning also dari.
7530  in Korean  1715,heardtalksinEngish that nearly immrdately  folowed  bykorean translation and with musisc  undeground S7plus whitenoise
7570  VoK 1717 korean operas by woman group S7  1730 in Korean
7181.5 VoBM2 1720 man with talks in arabic ,talks in technology S8
7204.0 V Sudan? 1727 tals by man in arabic  ,alaikumsalam S9 QRM  by 7205 CRI /Romamian
7220 CRI/CNR in cantonese or amoy SX
7510 TWR /FEBA 1729  with IS of TWR .some trad music 'esta  es munda ..' kHz told by man Listed in Silte 1732 with a afro song S% nax
7585 Azadi ID (Farda1734 news in Farsi mentioning Erdogan Turkey then adevrt on telegrams 'Art  farda'S9
5060 XJPBS 1756  with a  chinsesong then advert  inCC 1800 closing
12050 Dandal KUra  1911 in Kununura , young lady below 20yo  mentioning NIgeria   then ID says 'You  are listening to local radio' then atrumpet  S10
11945 //9765 NHK 1835 Enka song YLS7but very good tolsitento  old transsisor radio  with clear signal.Enka song "shira ke ..de " with short descrption by anouncer .
9500 TWR  1842 in Eng  about education in Kenya ,an interview on the public an  private  sector adn the budget  plus reports. S20
9570   New life 1847  religious  program in English  att-network org african trasnformation,rwanda , 'thirstymen insearchof water '  then freqs menioning 11825 poss in difernt time.music till 1857  then soff  S7

1377   sup CNR local QRN inhibits clear reception to recognize the lang
1386  russian 1746 mixed with  greek pirate
657 RAI 1750 with adverts  on Daoji Bracnh.OPel .RAiDia Rei news inheads mantioning PApa Francessco inChle
729 ERA is just S7 same time (supp less than  10 kW)

Κυριακή 14 Ιανουαρίου 2018

Logs for 14.1.18

9930 WHRI  1020 talksinEnglsih  Marginal
9990  Farda 1022 a hip hop  song then american song follows.S3 mixed with a carrier
6070 RTI inferator kalendar funktion S10
15150 CNR  1030 'Xinwen dianbo' (news prgram )S6   //9820
17570  1030 man in pres HU language  .underground  talks by man shouting-like  on koran themes Arabic station in//17610
17760 KWT 1039 withnice western pop songs. Heard no talks . S5 max
12205 'Haye Iran'posible ID  1043 with freqs aired in Farsi and continuous mentions of Iran.S5

9180.1 SoH  1443 tailks by man in CC 1445 music 1447 commentrary by another man .signalmax is s2 though on  47 signals is marginal at best
9100 Echoof Hope 1452 mixed with  a FDM carrier under SINPO 21x32 rare cases of music listening
9835 RTM-S 1456 a rok balladsong 1500  news S5max
9839.86 two stations mixed  one must be Chinese or vietnam in CC .S1 with16db preamp
9865 Vid Bharti 1517 inthe clear with man in news -hindiS7
4980 (7) 4850 (9) 5060(9) are stations fom XJPBS on 15xx
6165 CRI 1531  is announced   in haryanvi after the ID instrad of  noticed farsi and many mentions in the language an  Iran  .Very diferent than Farsi but music background is surely afghan persian
5845 BBC ?in Urdu 1546 talsk between a manand a woman  and many refs to Pakistan
1602 radio  agipe ? 1556 slow songs Near ToH signal is quite low to hear   ID if any .

Δευτέρα 8 Ιανουαρίου 2018

4/1/18 logs

7720  Marconi  has been tested in various times on 17 and 18 with no signal
9830 CNR  1704 Chnse talks S3
9835 RTM-Sarawak  wocksong S4
9355 Deewa 1713  abt a revolution talks in pres dari refering  to Pakistan max S3  /9370
6100 CRI 1720 tals in Eng  by woman.amazing signal S10 and freq
6040 CRI 1721  in russian ref to shanghai china S20
5860 Farda 1722  typical persian  pop songsS9
11735 Tazania 1725 a fastbeat tradiational  song man in Swa with a speech and laughs S9
12140 VoA 1756 talks by OM in Amharic and mentioning ramadan
12050 VoA 1815 HoA song at very low vol level S6 masx At suden on1818  a carier starts man talking on Nigeria ad ID asdandal kura Intl
11940 NHK1849 with ENKA song "karayo orana keyuru" or similar sounded (can read properly my scrpts ) with short descrition after  the song S10 or more