Τρίτη 24 Οκτωβρίου 2017

While looking Marconi last Sunday

using  SDw loop  and  1103 conected with it with arbitrary typos Can u find them?

7700 Marconi heas been  tried more than  10 times during 1355 to 1550 without success Alsa nothing on Icom R75 16 inV on 1350

7625 VoWilderness  1415+  korean music fair
7565  BBC 1416 seeems religious talks in HIndi good
7530?? 1419 talks in CC poss CNR hammer poor (eibi shows RFA Burmese but langs are very different!)
7540 VoA1419 in korean ,talks by two men goof
11660 CRI 1422 man rhymed talks ending with...he Oldbolly songs of 60s butwith a religious toning ID1415
11705 TWR 1428 with prg in English withfreqs .poor suden s/off
7180+84 VoBM2 1438 in pres Amharic  poor
7510 TWR 1444 prg in KO with D fair
15150 14449  IDing as Samaad or Mid Al Sudan Good >>dabanga in Eibi
7730 SoH 1450 just a marignal signal CC talks
11665 Wai  Fm 1456  heard for just15secs till CRI starts in the freq ,poor CRi is with opera
11630 CNR17 1505 Kazakh as per Eibi with adverts poor,sonded to me as Uighur...
6090 Amhara radio ,1507 mixed with CNR fair
9865 Vivid Bharati 1515 talks in Hindi fair
9835 RTMSwak1516  fade in /poor
7120 Hargeias 1507 talx inAR babes talking  Good signal and good audio
6100 AfghanR 1537news in English poor
6070 DARC(?) via 292 1535 song 'always for you'  fair

Κυριακή 22 Οκτωβρίου 2017

Weekend Logs y 21 Sat 08-09Z &22

1404 and 1008ERA  are  today  marginal.  Suppose they decreased their xmision power to below  than 1 KW.729 Ath is S3
6070 Atlantic 2k with signal S7 :0810 well known pop song 0813  Beatles? 0825 asereje
6190 HLR quite poor S5 over S3 localQRN with preamp0812  with german song lateNext a  songwith funy music  and man talking
7310 is not heard  neither a signal trace
7385 CRI0856  heard the english program then IS ID then progam in Romanian S20
9400 unIDed with carrier  till 0820 signal S7
9510 R City withS8 0810 with rock a roll song .ON??  man saying MUsic history of variety this is the only adible stationo that time on 31mb

9485 Sun  HLR  just marginal

Τετάρτη 18 Οκτωβρίου 2017

Clands reception (and not only)17/10....BIG LISTING

Clands reception (and not only)17/10....BIG LISTING
....using latest BCDX and  Ivo listings as referece  Very bad propagation after1830  Any entries with astrisk rare  consulted with Eibi listing

15205 Al Mukhtar 1541 disussions in ArS20 .1545 with Islamic program that turned then to talks in an unIDed  language Id on 1554 with program off .Buzz onthe freq
9965 S7 9685 S3 Nihon no kaze Man   talks in slow  korean 1554
15150 (10) 15550 (7) Dabanga refs to  Darfur Dabanga  1555 with many IDs
7525 V Martyrs taslk in korean 1601 mixed with english ,relig talks Poor QRM   from D Kurdistan7520 (good)
9180.02  SoH  1606 best among 9155 and 9280 TAlksby YLin seeming Amoy
17630 XoriyoOgaden 1609 talks by YL in Amharic .Noise jammer S10
6100 R Afghaniostan  1611was not in the  freq today.Istead   KCBS*  was airing Korean operas and sometimes  old Japanese songs Still  on the freq on  1800 Sometimes there was gap between songs  S3 max Not //6400
17730 Eye 1617 with news in arabic ID inside andanother as R Mehla1633 wth nes in English   .S7   Also1840 wth talks in Eng on marginal signal
9785 KBS* 1621  news discussions  in English refering to Korea and the political clashes  between Madrid and Barcelona S9@H S6@V antennas
6180 Deutscher Wetterdienst 1610-1630 withonly open carrier then sign off  S5
6400 Pyongang Pansong 1640 &1705 with operas Verygood mod and clear sound S5
6090  Shiokaze 1656 today with program in korean ixed with a station  in Ru .On1705  Amharic  (Amhara St Radio*)mixed with  Hausa (Kaduna) On 1910 signals are  just marginal
6120 Xinjiang 1726 trad music man with short talks  in p UI between  turkic songs 1729 ID 'burase Aisa Haelk 'S7 max
6180  IBRA*  1758  with talks in arabic and HoA music (Sudan/Eth)  1800 Soff  On 1802 with news in p Somali from BBC* .
6160 '6160' in Eng 1800  'YOu are listening to test transmission'  then a pop song Sigal up to S7
12050 Dandal Kura 1809 with news in Kanuri .mentions of NIgeria and "Lerde  America " (VoA?) Good
9990 RFA  1812 talks in a lang that  seems variation  of Korean S4 max
9775 R Romania INtl in German 1818 with tel number and web/email adresses  then with folk song S7
9660 R Vatican* 1823  in PP aboutQatar Doha and SomaliaS6
11930  Marti 1832 El miundo de information Cuba  martinews dotcom S9
9940   TWR 1835  with relig talks in  Lingala  .Names are reffered  in their orignal form as Kristos  Kirios(Mr) Atina (Athens) There was a geek orthodox mission in Zaire since 60s who more reecently  made a school.
7120 R Hargeisa1840 with  good modulation as rarity  for this station Man with talks S5

MW logs
1566 HLAZ heard today quite well on 1743 with S5 max . QRM from greek  pirate on 1564.5 S10
1521 with rusian talks 1746  S5
1512  Chania off
1690 &1674 two  slavic pirates  1741

Δευτέρα 16 Οκτωβρίου 2017

Logs for 5/10 :

...in Thessaloniki
7320 Denge Kurdistan 0755 with Turkishs ong -overloaded S20/ 7520 S3  godaudio
9650  R?? 0759   S2 max  with strng QRMfrom 9645 Romania
9510 Xinjiag PBS 0801 in UI  with several IDs S1@+10db preamp
9485 EMR 0805 wthjust a poor carier trace
9370  Farda Mashaal 0810 with  songs on 08+ ,short interval talks till 0810 with full talks in Farsi
9901  CW !  S2 on 0811

VoT on 11 MHz:11750 (20) //11675 (5)  &11795 (S10)

MWs :
on0815 + i havefond these freqs with greek amateurs on the MWband :
1224, 1267, 1287,1343 , 1368, 1385, 1458, 1503,1521,1557,1565, 1576,1610,1660 making splater,onallband
I have called to two of them for signal control for a voice QSL(thank you )
Also availabe:1341 Romania,1404 ERA ,1431 Uni,1595 Romania

Some Fm DX on 12th on Mt Olympus .

...using 1126 late nite  all are  unIDed as signals  have QSB (times 19+)
88.2  Skopje
88.5 TRT -pops
97.0 TRT tradmusic
98.2 TRT  talks
98.5 Bulgaria  (semi permanent)
98.8  a greek no ID
100.3 ERA ch3  ?
104.2  antena 5 Skopje
104.2  Turkish
(104.2 Pontian station from THS permanent and fair )
106.2 darik (permanent qrg)

Σάββατο 14 Οκτωβρίου 2017

Logs for11-10 near Olymp mountain

Logs for11-10 near Olymp mountain
using DE1126 no recs!:

6090 till1600   talks in Turkmen poss CNR 1700a korean lang from poss Shiokaze  Same on12/10  MOthing in eibi
9695 Romania1605 pop song,id from bukureşt,in Rom good
9180 SoHope  fair at best1612 talks Also best among 9280 and 9150
9100 EoHope 1614 good over NK 'h'ammer
9865 Vd Bharti 1924 still with old bolly songsgood
1521CRI1625 in RussIan ,mixed with  A Arabia wiping them mos times
1512 ERA GR1625 heard for short time then gone

Τρίτη 10 Οκτωβρίου 2017

Logs for 9.10

11665 Wai Fm 1357 rock song S2 //9835 inder QRMVoT 9840
9950 RFA in 1355  Korean and 1400   Viet from station ID in Eng  S5 siren style qrm
9947  spur  of CNR S1
11560 AIR 1405 with old Bolly song  then ID and talks in farsiS20
11540  Viet 1408 talks      1408  S6
9100 test again 1432 talks in korean very diff to identify the lang due to very strong QRM from N Korean hammer S5
9785 CRI 1417 dscssion beetween man and joyful YL in Eng on international news topics Mention on NKorea S5 mixed with anoter rs poss BBC //9765
9875 CRI 1424  in byelo/rusian   too many refferences in BLR S2
9280 SoH 1429 talks by man in CC. Best signal  between  // 9155 and 9180  <S1
9526 VoIns 1439  prog in Indo talks S5
9410 TWR prg in Eng 1435 mentioin9410 as  the only freq then into religious prog mentioning God as Yahweh So they are Jeahuwah /Yahweh station ? S10

Δευτέρα 9 Οκτωβρίου 2017

Logs for Sunday

Logs for Sunday due to non internet availability some  peculiar problem with our ISP after the power outage

7320//7520  Denge kurdistan 0805 news in presumed kurdish Sounds as DSB
6070 0817 OM with talks in NL Eng pop song S4
9370 0820marginal talks  lang seems  German ten with pop song .Inthat  time 9MHz is vacant with 9645 Rvatican till 0826
9650 ?? 0827with afropops thenwith phonei ns ofgenreal disussions with also politial referenes . Heard afterr  the sign of  from VaticanR 9645 Marginal slightlybetter than 9370
15135 CRIindo CR in indo 0838 ID on 0840S2 max
9065U   operaror 0845  with numbres in IT quite poor soetesbelow margin
15245 VoK ?0855 talks in RU S2max
9790 RAI 0915 Dx program ,thanking listeners,mention of wavescan
12055 CNR monglian newson 0926 emphatic talks after the news shortmusicclipsfrom   The Internationale andthe natioal hymm ten shortl cip  fromchildren voices S9
9510 IRRS 0941 YL with  relig program S9
9655 TRT in turkish  1015 talks byYL

MW 1598  romania still in the freq 0810 with S2   mixed with anotehr signal

Some logs on power outage 7.10 with De1103

Some logs on power outage 7.10 with De1103

9835 CNR? 1126 talks in CC poor
6070 Atlantic 1130 pop songs Fair  also on 1045 with S6/5 QRN
6160 Sw Radio  1131 pop songs poor
7520 Denge Kurdistan?  1132 many times  on kurdistan fair signal //7320@1230 +3120 good
21670 SRIntl  1134  Indo song of 80s  good
11520 WEWN137 relig talks poor
11620 CRI  1139 talks in JJ sporadic english words good
9526 VoINs 1146 talks in arabic Good nothing on 9525
9580  --1151 YL  talks in p UI with and rarely by man. Echoed.Heard Kristus mention of turkmen  Noo info on eibi
15130 Romania 1209  in arabic ,metioning tsiprass (the greek leader )  and romania Good
12040 TWR 1225 bamar talks metion Roma Good

B.after power outage in paralel with R75
9100 1320 talks in JJ  strong  noise in the freq mostly (90%)  wiping out the signal. Echo of Hope noticed on eibi but in  KO
9155  SoH? 1336+is marginal  with unIDable  lang 134x heard a song Ther is a unknown type of noise in 9156 of max S3
9900 Fursato no kaze ? in clear freq 1339  with phone in on 1356 and signal max S3   Heard Furusato with closure talks  till1359  signoff

Δευτέρα 2 Οκτωβρίου 2017

Cairo? on 9830 and oter logs of 1.10.17

9829.61 Cairo? 1936 S9-10 with very low mod of -20 to -30db audible only if signal is max otherwise  RTTY Izabella  P.Rico  is also mixed with them  . Signcal can vary up to S3   At 1941  nothing heard .Mostly talks Also past  2000  with very low signal that caused not hearing ID but still on 2100. no paralell cold be found on 6 79 and 11MHz.

More logs
9710 NHK/ Japan 1947 with Englsih program about Helloween a typical awful fast  rythmed  JJ  pop song S9
9664.75 Brazil  with songs >V Missionaria
9819.1 R Nuovo  de Julhe  2011 with adverts,ad for asking a preist , max S5  in clear freq with minimal QRM frn 9810 Vori Eng S20
118735 Aparecida ?  2034 palabras and religious program metoning Paraoh and Deurs abrupt s off 2059  >>Tramsmundial per EIbi
9835 RTM S 2040  is heard better on the horizotnal antenna  with S2 mixed with local  QRN Song from Ella Aminuddin (the known rock princess)
9844,48 and 9875.6 spurs  fom 9870  SaBC  S20  wth maximus signals S1
9800 CNR 2045 /4800  with s3 max
9620  VoT wirh Turkish songs 2052 Passes  2100 with songs bt no talks  >>Eng
9725 2137 tals in BR-PP  S0  >Evangelizar?
11665  WaiFM 2142 in // with 9835 with a nice pop song
15520 REE 2146 iin //15390 with spanish talks S1-2

1215 Absiolute R 21121 with  S9 max signal
677.50 Cairo  once again shifted  instead of 675 @2124
595  ?? Arab songs 2127 causing QRM to the main freq of 594

Κυριακή 1 Οκτωβρίου 2017

Bandscan L0gs for 30/9 part 2

9830 poss AWR1648 S20 with only carrier
7455 RFA  1649 korean  abt KimJong IL S?
9385 RTM-S 1701  karena judi by Ameng S8, `1858 tiadalagi S3 Still on 2329!
9880 1755talks in Eng? signal just S1 >>  CRI Eng
9990 RFA  1756  korean 'anada insunaeka '  pyongyang washington etc S9
9965 Firedrake 1758 mixed wit RFA at S120 signal
9940 TWR 1759 with IS ID no mention of language mantionof U P'arrana and  caling J  Christ as "Iisus Christos" S20 >>Lingala from Zaire There is a Greek  Orthodox mission since at least 30+  years
9710 CNR 1806 marginal at max
6250 1811 korean tallks NK noise jammerSeems as //6600
9860  1906 talks in Hausa intern news S4  >>>VOIRI
9850 VoA Farsi1915 rewardsforjustice dot com  WashingtonDC   S10
7385 /6020 CRI Albania with only songs mostly american and  a few albanian good audio quality and a ID as 'na tirane tue'  IS 1956 Interesting music   program that hooked me listened   with an old trasistor radio and rearphones
9526 VoINs 2009  prgIn French strongQRM from 9525 poss CRI RR
11935  VOzMissionaria 2027 ID talks in BR YL with talks
11985 RJapan 2030 IS  ID then prg inFF S9

6320 NL pir  1809 old pops S3
6267 NL pir 1810  80s pop S7
6930v PIranha tested  on 2140 with nosignal onmy RX nor on twnte SDR neither on Kiwi SDR onBrazil

738 RNE 1845 about Catalunias song ID
1215 Absolut Radio  2040  with adverts and talks  in Englsih 2051 S5 max tested  also  with AM loop and trasistor radio
1350 two greek  pirates 2045

Logs for 30/9 part 1:Morning

9835 CNR 0849  CC talks S0
9715 SABC 0850  Allahu akba S0
9510 R City via IRRS  0855 LAsong  'las allegras' sinatra JanAprilMa 0900 suddensoff
9270/9290 nothing for Spaceshuttle  Something only on S2
9460 RRom Intl 0906 talks in Romanian S3
17490 CRI Eng is back 0906 with news S7
17510 AIR Indo 0909 news abt S Arab &India S4
21670 SauRI 0910 preaches S7

MW :
729  signal S2 1404 S2