Παρασκευή 28 Οκτωβρίου 2016

Logs 27/10

5200 greek QSO 1500+
7146,5 VoBM 1722 with Horn of africa  songs S5
7185.0 VoBM ? 1723 with talks by oman  in Tigre 5
9860 CNR 1800 nic CC song S2
9870 SABC 1801 ID and news S3 quite poor
6732U operator   1802 with countdown numbers in Eng s5
9785 VoTurkey 1840 news  :  investors  called to do business  in TR  S9 max
7120 Somalia 1844 horn of africa song very low modulation
7540 Deewa? 1848 with phone in with laughs mentions of pakistan refering to ingenieur mark then a music filler and sign off.
7485 VoA sing on 1900 signal is S1 mixed with  the local qrn not easy to identify the lang  which seems as Korean

MWs :
1556.9  Atsidas ??greek pirate  1820  with greek oldies very low signal mixed with another and requirted to use dual If tuners to kill the buzz caused by the LSB
1566 HLAZ? 1829 chants
1493.4 Romania 1835 tad songs.  two statios frm Rom mixed with ca 600 Hz diference

Πέμπτη 27 Οκτωβρίου 2016

Logs of 26th

.......the day Salonica has feast
S = levels on R75 / P is QSB (fading er sinpo)
SW logs
6070 It BC 1935 I love you africa
9390 1936 english relig prg S5 QSB 2
15480 AWR 1940 relig talks in arabic - kitab- S7
15770 WRMI /ToM 1942 mentioning ToM S7
15500 & 15390  REE 1944 a phone in Sp S5
6295 pir  1951 Northern Australia S7

Greek pirates
1540 Vorios Ichos 1915 S9 mixed with foreign stations
1602 Tachidromos (Billy) with oldgreek s on 1920 mixed wthi fregn on the freq .
1555 radio Seven   ID with signal S9
1566 ??? S10
1485 Zitianos S10
till 1930

LOGS OF 25.10

S = levels on R75 / P is QSB (fading er sinpo)
15150 CNR 1001 YL TALKS /S5 , P2
15160 R Rom Intl 1233 OM talks on chinese S5 P2
15180 VoK? 1240 korean s1 max
15225   1247 talksin bamar S5 max
9835 RTM-S very early with S3 and zapin msic on 1250
6070 KBC?? 1259 a self advert andsome wellknown sogs of pre80s S7
11675 CRi 1318 /1321 namaskar China program in hindi mixd with music . S8
11540 VoTibet? 1323 in tibetan mixed with CNR SignalS9
11550 V Vatican ID 1330 withprg in spanish carier  of S1 QRM till 1332
6280 QSO USB  1332 of italian operators S2
6250 1336 prg in korean mixedr with music
12095 FEBC 1339 priest in Viet or local dialect mantionng K'an P'o Cha using pitches s5
15185 1310 religious prg in Indo mentioning to Corenthians 1356 mixes with a song  under  'syurga di hatiku', stoped with no ID
15180 RL 1400 in Uzbek mentionng KUrdistan Abu rahman and Afghanistan
9750 NHK 1413 discussion between YL ... S7
9870 Vivid Bharti 1419 with Bolly songs S9 mide with anglish speaking station
9900 AWR 1448 talk in CC , 1451 a song S20!!!
9910 KTWR just signed off 1459 S8
9745 Bahrain 2146 alone and clear in the frequency with  trad arabic songs S2  max

Δευτέρα 24 Οκτωβρίου 2016

Logs of 23.10

 3915 BBC 2225 with news S7
4949,7 RN Angola ? 2222 S2 over 1 QRN very difficult to listen due to local noise
6070 Atlantic 2000 170x with iD  then a pop  song S10
6305 pirate 2218 ingermanS3
9320 VOA 2214 in Khmer talks mentioning VoA S5
9475 RA? 2211 national Rep congress S7
9677  Talish 0553 only carrier  S3
9745 Bahrain 2206 marginal
9750 NHK ? 2207 seems trad Japanese song sigal is marginal and difficult to listen over the noise
9760 R Rom Intl 2209 with web pages S7
9790 RFI 0556 withID and ads S10
9820  ??? 0602 prg in French S3 QSB 2
9825 ToM 0557 religious preacher S10
9835 RTM-S 1712 old western pop song S5 max
9840 Arabic station 0558 of only S1 with YL  of short talking reel passing the ToH Poss not IRIB 
Listen to https://app.box.com/s/rbirtdms8da2kcay26jbxmhzv16m8dgx
11530 ToM 2215  pastor S2
11860 Sanaa 1144, Arabic songs S4
12090 Cairo 0553 with garbled audio  S9
12095 FBC 1143 talks in Viet sub-lang S3 max
15370 RHC 2213 ID song S2
21670 RSInt 1541 Azizah al kuran el hadith prg in Indo S6 max

1316 0548  Romanian station
1421 Romania 0550 German song in Eglish  S4 in //1455 with S5
1553 Greek pirate signal only S2 0552 again on 0605 with very lenghty arabic song of 70-80s

Δευτέρα 17 Οκτωβρίου 2016

Logs for Sun 16 local night

9840 WHRI with ToM 1956 OM with relig talks in Eng S4 Qsb2 
9850 VoA 1957 discussion in Farsi S9
9915 BBC 2002 with signal only  S5 max P2
9835 so signal
9819.7 R9/7  2005 advert S5 max
11764..7 SRDA 2007 ID with 3 freqs and web page S7
4820 Lhasa 2012 with nice soft music S7 25232
5066.4 Candip? S4/2 QRN using AM narrow filter Heard music then talks in French and immediate sign off
9800 ToM 2030 Mr ToM with religious talks S4 P2
6135 RCh I ? 2100 mentions of china Portugal and also many times of Angola Mozambique and malaria Lang seems Serbian

MW band:
 595 a carrier heard 1945 better in USB but S6 QRM caused by 594
1632 Slavic pirate  with Serbian music 1935 S7!
1645 Sylvania  Yparho Simon titanic Rojer & 3-4 others in QSO various signal levels 1938
1350 Mysterios1942 S5 with eighties 1942
1295 RNE 1943 sport discussions  S9 //1236   was a goal from Villarreal
1431 RAI 2024 sports news S7

Κυριακή 16 Οκτωβρίου 2016

These can't be logs !

Logs yesterday 15 /10
Radio CIty on 09xx with S3
HLR on 0736 cold not be heard
1404 ERA was off 0740

EMR 0802 signal S8  over S5 QRN
9485 0803 signal S1
7310 on 0740 withot audio  S2 ON 0811 with music S11
9575 Medi 1 0815 pop sogsn S7
15690 IBB Farsi taslk S3 only
15335 CRI Ru 0833 talsk in russisn ID S3
21580 RFI 0839 news fromAfrica FF S2
7205 QSO from salonican operator with S20 SV2???
9677 Talish0907 garbled audio S3 only
9790 R Romania 0908 DX progam . thaks ton Roberto Pavanello mntion of KBC S9

1404ERA  is back today!
greek MWpirates on 09xx :  1278(8) 1305 (9)1368(9)1385 (8)1440 (5)1520(10)1556 (9)

Κυριακή 9 Οκτωβρίου 2016

Logs 8-10-16

9860 KBS? 0706 talks in korean S20
9915 BBC WS 0706 news , local DSL carrier S5
100000 Italcable  0707 with  time clocks S5
9575 Medi1 0709 news inAR S20 , que le matin
9650 Radio Mile? 0710  tasl in French many times mntioned by YL with que le matin. 0717 with phone ins
Here are two audio recs for testing
L14 https://app.box.com/s/doq1rps4gtwgl8v16141pzjhl4z1gdvk
L15 https://app.box.com/s/3x0uzkc0tunjrewxdl7uh8ofen0wu2qc

7310 R Slovakia INtl via D 0718  german program mention also greece S7 max
7640 QSO in arabic S2 and S7 for each operator
7780 unknown Arabic spur 0725 signal S3 max Here is a record from tis stattion

The same time in MW band there were many pirates in operation . here is the full freq listing
1125 (S9), 1368 (Elines S7), 1448 ,1476, 1521 (Epouranios S20),1566 (S9)
OOB : 1620(7) 1630(9), 1660(9),1678(9)

Logs 7-10-1016

1385 NHK 1732 in Ru with sevealIDs and also inJJ S4
531 Romainia 1745 withtrad song and talks >MIxed with Jil Fm S7
1502 S Arabia 1959 ID in AA S10  mainly sready  signal
11660 1802 i CC with  news mntioning Hangzhou ali babaS9
11680 VoK 1812 with operas S5 max mosty  max signal
6285 carrier 1824 only about S5/3QRN
6165 Deewa 1828 flute play ID? mention Kabul and Afghanistan
9835 RTM-S 1844 adverts S4  max QRM DW Hausa 9830 , 2042 wth nasyid sog 2204 with S2 max and news .Good signal for this day
7530 2101 carrier ,start with piano talks byOM  then a sgs with YL in CC S5
9760 Romania 2212 news in english S5
15410 RHC 2219 in SP , YL wth talks signal is mostly marginal

Παρασκευή 7 Οκτωβρίου 2016

Logs 6-10

9819.2 R9/7 1923 with talks later with a song . S2 max
9800 ToM 1934 OM with continuous talks S2
9765 CRI 1943 a song ,  talks in PP then learn CC lang program S7
11735 Atnzania 1944 arabix  songs 1946  short talks in swazhili then back to arabic songs S10
11625 Vatican radio 2000 african news panorama IS
12050  Dandal kura 2012  in kununura  / mentionong gazkaro and atletiko  madrid S10
11930  RHC ? 2018 in spanish mixing with arabic  station S5 >>Marti
9275 WMLK 2955 OM with slow talks in  a religious program . under mod S7
9745 seems Kwanghwa with nice soft CC songs S3 on 2x16 S7 o 16 H m
1521 RNE 2131 binvenidos  S6
1566 HLAZ 2108 with talk in korean

all errors  are deliberate