Τρίτη 27 Δεκεμβρίου 2016

Logs for 24th dec

Room properly heated Usually the   door is  closed and  temperatures are not over 12C THis is the main reason I don't Dx this time! Some of my usual monitoring frequencies.

9835 RtM-S 1729 fading out with disco music S1 max
4930 VoA 1734 poss Swahili crazy music external talks by many people  S7 max
4980 XJPBS 1735 song plays S7
5010 Malagasy? 1739 with song that seems as Indian but on 1800  the music type seems more African! Could nt understand  as voice modulation  is  quite low and mixed 'on dust'S7
4810 Yerevan 1823 songs signals S9
6400 Pyongyang Pansgong 1824 operas max S4
7570 VoK 1831 IS and English ID then hymn  S4
11735  Tanzania 1832 discussions in Swa S9
7120 Hargeisa 1837 poor signal at S5 . Fast QSb between S5 and S9
7520 AIR 1829 Hindi  semi trad songs 70-80 era  ID  and lang in Hindi (or Urdu )
6676  Darwin R 1843  meteo news S5 max signal

Πέμπτη 1 Δεκεμβρίου 2016

Short listing for 28-11

9526 VoIns 1060 starting arabic program S9
9820 DW African service 1611  news about Uganda ID on 1614
9835  RTM S 1615 with song . signal  is fading out on ca 1700 so the only way to listen is only online (via RTM mobile)
9875 CRI ? 1635 MIke-ins about Chinese  ppl  in canada S6
12075 Ashna 1645 news abot Afghanistan . in Dari IDed as Azadi (LIberty ) S5 >>>Ashna in the list
11735 Tanzania 1716 YL in swahili and  talks and discussions on1720
9865 1727 HIndi song and in hindi languge after Marginal  1743 off

1512 no signal  from ERA same time
1377 CNR 1559talks in CC S2

Τετάρτη 23 Νοεμβρίου 2016

1350: A mess frequency and many more interesting MW logs for 21.11 (with many audios!!)HOT! )

1350 Tibetan music 2027  with signal  up  to S7 Listen to a  recording
2029 from possibly same station in Chinese  here a rec: https://app.box.com/s/o0o3fkgsf5nyzl3cjg095ecjfkk8se6v
2135 Cairo with Arabic talks by  woman adn on 2148 with kuranic chants Here is a recording https://app.box.com/s/fca3dgsax1fxv7pvcowu1qp1sww98e0y
2211  I am radio with sogs and ID on 2212

Other interesting signals
hot case:
1560 unknown signal  from Americas? 2250 heard choruses of  religious type marginal signal at best. Faded out after 2255 having some co channel QRM . Here is a  rec . https://app.box.com/s/1fj5e3g7aygsotk3alfr8lj7f39xvqh7
Also on 1520 with signal traceable only via SSB

1566 HLAZ again 2141 mixed with Greek pirate who has audio a/o signal problems
1377 CNR-1  2152 in Chinese in sync  with 4800 and signal up to  S7 Some QRM from Halastra web radio 1368(nearby Thesaloniki )
Notice  that in points 022-027 there is sound from 4800

1512 Ardabil Iran with talks in Farsi mixed with  S ARABIA Quran chanting 2157

1206 Reshtet Bet 2105 with ID Reshet Bet Kol Israel in between news S5 with very slow fade
972  Greek pirate 2209 from poss. Thessaloniki with old songs and  S9 seems drifting to 967.9
837 Isfahan Iran 2234 with typical Persian instrumental style  song of traditional style  with talks over music on 2239. Signals up to S4 2238 mixed with COPE ? fade up
1557 Iran 2303 with phone ins and with woman in the mike S3 with little  QRM
1566 Challenger 2305 with pop songs S2 very rare signal here
1242 poss Oman 2310 with Arabic songs , unclear ID

Logs for 22/11
1610  unknown  signal from ?? 2251 with talks that seem  Eng  Her is a  rec https://app.box.com/s/frbz7uowntzwd1e00pcuhujskpaw4bsx on 2257 
1791 Slavic pirate on 2253 with S3 
1206 Reshet Bet on 2304 with a Greek song with Hebrew lyrics! S3

Log for 21.11 with audio:
1467.4 unIDed 2044 talk in Farsi heard a supposed R Kordestan on 2100 with another supposed ID as Sedaye Sahar but was under its QRMer

Δευτέρα 21 Νοεμβρίου 2016

vLogs for 18-11

QTH  information and noises

7530 Stream of  praise 2115 religious talks by man and woman in CC
7500 N Kora ref 2129 mixed signal with a a guitar palyed song with males singer  then off mod carrier still on 2132
4750 CNR 2134 with nice girly pop song 35  with advert in wuite noisey S5
4760 C+U  5 FGS in english 05674 65374 S9 max
9395 WRMI 2154 with pastor  then advert and web page then back to talks S7
9420 ERA 2102 with song 9935 is off
9980 WRMI? 2218 wmarches and tals in eng byman marginal
6730 CNR 2233 with news S2 max
6180 RN Amazonas? 2224 in Portuguese mentioning brazil then impossible ID 222810 or posibly promo hten back to iscssions betwen  two men  S9
5985 BrSt  mixed with CRI Japanese  with same signal level S8 max
5860 Farda 2243 ID  an music S 9

1695  Slavic pirate in QSO with another 2033  signals  S8 and S5
1467.4 unIDed 2044 talk in Farsi heard a supposed R kordestan on 2100 with anothr suposed suposed ID as sedaye sahar but was under its QRMer

Noon bandscan for 20-11 - very short time listening

QTH  information and noises

9630  CNR 1028 CNR  ads S3
9660 CNR 1028 ads S7
9690 CNR 1029 ads S9
9705 XJPBS 1029 YL singer S9
9750 KHN talks in JJ S7
9775 CNR CC adverts 1031 S5
9820 CNR1031 adverts  S10
9825 CNR 1031  talks 10
9880 CRI? 10 in CC  ID as "Beijing Guang Bo Dian Tai "
9930 WHRI 1033 YL in Englsih  with religious talks  S5
9950 farda 1033 alks in farsi FSK  carrie on USB S10
9530 CNR 1034  talks in CC S10
9485 HLR 1035 jaaz music S3
9400 Denge Kurdistan 1038  talks in Kurtdish S7
15030 pirate? 1043 with pp song ans sudden s off  again herd on 1057  tune in but 1105 was off

Τρίτη 15 Νοεμβρίου 2016

1377CNR & 1368 VoA on 14.11

1377 CNR and 1368 VoA

1377  Once again heard CNR in sync with 4800 and clear signal up to S5 on 2135with a Chinese song then with talks
Recording is here in ca 2145 when the signal dropped to max S3 Liangas 1411.16

1368 Halastra web radio was off 2200 leaving Challenger radio and with ID on 2207 IT in cleat Here are  two audio clips with VoA one with ID ον 0010 Liangas 1411.16

Ν 1539  Βόρειος Ήχος 1220  πμ ΩΕ , για πρώτη φορά τον πετυχαίνω με  μια πραγματικά σοβαρη εκπομπή.Ο εκφωνητής με την πραγματικά ραδιοφωνική φωνή και ένα εξαιρετικο μουσικο πρόγραμμα με παλιά διεθνή τραγούδια  του 50-60 οπςς πχ Χατζηδάκη Liangas 1411.16

Δευτέρα 14 Νοεμβρίου 2016

Logs for Sunday 13-11/16

Look also some of my reception videos  https://www.youtube.com/user/zach0gr

This morning the band was mourning from local noise , ingition type at most while there was part of it inthe MW band.

9485 HLR via EMR./Gohren with a  poor carrier at 1005 under the severe local QRN it was  relatively difficult to be removed  even using noise blanker and playing with filter .

The same night here the strong nose was ceased and SW is good catch.
9715  VVB 1954 religious program in english mentioning  of Adam and J Christ  then   closing program with emails and web pages vvbrd.org

9710 Algerie? 1959 with imam preaching 2000 with talks in French but did nt find the  ID  except the 'international' on the end of ID Many  mentions on Sahara and once for Bosnia 2009 Program back to arabic with short talks then back to preaches.  S3

15130 NHK 2017 in Japanese  wth var program . in the freq there was a typical DSL buzer carrier that caused medium to severe QRM . S7

9955 R Japan 2030 in french with news about S Korea. then with headlines . Suposd to be KBS but heard the ID .

7077U operator 2045-47 music like FSK possibly very  slow Coquelet-type mode communication S5 and S2

MW listings

The band is less prone to the  strange ignition type noise and more pirate stations are heard quite well . There is only a  background noise , razor type that is audible in  all the bands peaking on 4-6 MHz  . It comes from the DSL teelphone lines and heard since 2006 when someone added DSL line.

1521 Epouranios 0910    radio pirate wth greek oldies of 60-70s  . discussed with him in the  phone for his signal level and then for a song dedicatiom S9 (new in my listing )

1305 Edison 0920 oldies . The same scene as with Epouranios S10.First time logged him

1386 Ftohopaido 0940 with oldies Also called them . Miss Maria was  on the phone and remembered  me after half minute of discussion . It was  too long since   we had discussion ie for at laet 4 years ! I asked also for a song dedication

Local night  time with nearly same noise levels:

1350 I m radio 2014 with its typical music of pop  70s and typical signal of S5 max Back 2110 with DX program in Italian till 2130

1550 RASD again 2053 with signal S3 to max S5 man singing and posibly palying a stringed instrument

1440 SABC? 2057 with S3 max with arabic song S1 then  soemthing that seesm as ID to me . News, first with headlines and meny times mentioning Medina. Clear in the freq.

1377 once gain with CNR unkown transmitter  though  reports show Lhasa. Signal is abt S3 mixed with another carrier into a co-QSB of ca 10 Hz and in synchro with 4800 .

Τετάρτη 9 Νοεμβρίου 2016

Rich MW logs for Mon/Tue 7-8/11 with audio links

Standard system R75 and 2x16 inv m

1566 HLAZ 1928 aleluyahs with signal S4 (poor) 1930  heard KOrean talks >mixd with greek  pirate into co-chanel QRM of  10Hz ripple faed out 1934 On tue head on 2025 with signal S3 max 5
1377 TWR 1941 with lengthy talks in Farsi .Cler freq. QRM frm 1368 now named Chalastra Web Radio (former Ellines Radio ) audio here on1959 https://app.box.com/s/8t372et4ge8l8lv03qmsgwfx2j7fibpy
1385 Radio Liberty 2002 in [Byelo]russian with arabic station under chanting KUran Condition same foe the nextday 2115
1278  UKraine 2009 rprogram 'UKraine iz mire' (UKrain in World ?)  Eugenia Kalaila is in the news S9
1377 Again with 'Sawt Al ailam'TWR 2020 with program 'Kalimat Ul Haqq  "with religious program and sigedn off 2102.anoher TWR station seems on the background !S 10
1350 greek pirate and 'I am radio' Italy  . I think i have hard both of them for longer than i expected ie more than 1 month . The greek station is from the WC Greece  and he is friend of me partially  networking with a  station from nearby our city. Itis funny to hear old buzuki songs mixed with old discos adni thought It was called Ireland radio . I am radio was clear on Tuesday and was heard with fair signal though QSB was 2 -3 with max S5 audible also  well on the An200 mini loop antenna .Now this station is onw of my two favorites on MW (with Jil )as it plays nice easy to liten songs godo for reading .
here are several audio links
https://app.box.com/s/o01fgx3rq8o2sl9us079vn8xcffy2a30  2204 8/11
https://app.box.com/s/mnkmgffpon5ea7avqedi3c5j5gchd1sb   2140 8/11
https://app.box.com/s/bpvka76nkppnzby6clkesqlrvy04v2q7 w2157 7/11 is the correct day
1404 ERA rel from Athens 2140 clar at S10 to 20 . First time to lsiten with so strong signal wiping out RRomAct .Next day signal is over RRom
1550 RASD did these two days its miracle  on 20+ . Its signal was up to S9 being nearly in the clear comapring to its nighbors of 1548 of ca S4 as top level . Manny refrences to Sahara and some IDs
https://app.box.com/s/pg32kqo3x4ys4kqu68ovvwefgrmcpeo0  reception on 2023


1602 Spanish (SER) mixed with local pirate called Tachidromos SER sometimes is in clear with news on 2114
1377 CNR Kashi? 2210 indentified in //4800 with signal S1-2 max but  has QRM from 1368 and 86
The recording has some adjustments between LSB and USB on 055
1449 Greek pirate mixed with RAI on 2219
1512 ERA is off this time leaving two arabic stations in the poor ,one with Imam chanting Koran (as per EMWG  Al kuran Al Karim)and anoter  with talks. EMWG  says IRIB Audio on 2259 here
although it seems that there was no ID on ToH on both stations
677.46 Arabic  posibly Libya Al Hurra per EMWG 2314 woman with talks,poss news with nice voice and intonation then with phone ins S8 off  675
764 Arab station (poss off 1 kHz )2318 with imam praying Only S1 POss Imam a Karim frm S.Arabia
540 An arabic sation with dance music mixed with spanish station on 2307  S5
Audio https://app.box.com/s/zc5eurw64x9z0emg2fnc6xigy510xl50

Δευτέρα 7 Νοεμβρίου 2016

logs for 29/10

4870.5 in Kurdish 1509 with very low modulation then with a song YL singer. Quite difficult to listen providing that high level of QRN suffers the audio
4810 Yerevan 1510 talk between  OM and YL something that seems theater with underground music . ON 15 with news mentioning Pakistan and Baluchistan 1545 in Greek mentioning the Turkish Armenian and involvement with human rights assn IMF in Greece end of program with Greek song of 90s
4765 Tajikistan 1517 OM with short speeches mixed with music , many mentions to Afghanistan then underground music changes S 8
6100 Afghanistan  is head only with a very poor carrier while checking on SSB on 1525
11540 ?? with talks in pustu /dari mixed with a local buzzer carrier 1535
11665 Wai FM / 1537 mixed with CRI? Japanese heard after 1600 with negaraku short talks and sign off Its signal is only S1
9835 Sarawak FM 1545marginal with songs S5
9800 Cairo > 1715 Turkish song , talk in Turkish S10 with big splatter by +/-15 KHz

Fast  search on 22 UTC
4775 2251with LA songs S3
4885 para 2254Brzil S4
4949.79 Angola 2253 music S2
6298 pirate 2255 S6
7780  WRMI 2213

Logs for 30/10

1550 RASD 2055 Arabic vocal songs that seem tribal reminds a bit the Ethiopian style Good at S5 only using Am narrow filter
1512 ERA Thess via Chania 2055 with only carrier , no mod S9
1502.8 RFE in Serbian 2059  with trad songs ToH with ID as R Svobdna Europa then with news ant ea referendum S9 QRM Italian station
1350 NPR ID 2103 news about bomb , Chinese authorities , Philippines  NY police S4 max
1053 LIbya 2105 with nice songs of  era 70s type OumKalsum God signal at S10
9955 WRMI? just marginal with talks 2108
15387.5 /15390/15500 /11685 on 2110 REE with sports talks Levels S5-9
9400 Denge Kurdistan ? 2142 language  seems Kurdish with discussions S10 Soff 2200
6060 2206 Man with public addressing in Arabic echoed and mentioned Sahara .
some Greeks  found on 1565 R Vasilia , 1143 and 1125 (these for first time )

and one for 31/10
9820 Deewa radio 1755 with talks seems Dari ID 1759 then with trad music filler on ToH

MIxed Logs for Sunday 6th (Nov 16)

sorted by time and writen very fast sory for typeos

21550  0901 church S1 max spur of 21560 >>vatican
21670 SABC prg in Indo 0907 mentioning telephone numbers 03737030 006808..27070 web page 0906 quran S6
15770 AIR 0916  in Indo with song then man with strange talking ans stopping many times S7
13090U greek pirate op QSOing , speaking obscurities !! 0925
15068 RTI Intl (sounded to me actually a free radio  ) transmitting  for 2 mins then  changed to 15059 and wandering carrier signal max S2
15170  0943 Hindi talks about Japan SBSS S9 (CRI? )

Greek pirate station on MW on 0900 with  their signals
1305 (5) 1368  (9) 1387 (9)1431 Uni (9)1440 (4) 1540 (3) 1557 (3)1575 (9)1602 (9) 1628(5)1641* (4)1700 x 2 (3)
* no mod

Twente  free radio from NL:  (0945-1000  )
6205 , 6220 , 6242, 6250, 6266 6280 6286 6305 6320 6350 6380 6400

9677 Talish etc 1002 YL with taks in Turkish or seemingly  Turkish S5 and garbled with spurs
9835 CNR1004 talk in CC S2 //9825  adverts

greek pirates on 1000
1301 1368 1385 1467 1585 1597 1649 16570 1686 1700
11430 CNR 1057 talks poss  news 2 max
11550 CNR 1058 jammer against SoH?  S5
21334,2 amateur with countdown numbers S4 others are abt S1
21285,5 1110 Jam 9A   CQ  contest
9510 1118 with Eng relig program S3 >>IRRS
9420 CNR 8 1122 news in  abt Turkiye S5
9705 XJPBS 1123 YL  news abt turkey S8
9750 NHK 1124 with discussions  in Jap S1 max
9875U  operators 1125  in Turkish ! Ican understand whay  they used a standard radio bans to communicate ....
9910 TWR 1128 with nice IS played in  guitar . Program in CC  ID ed as HUangshua GUuangbo diantai S9
9930 WHRI 1131 OM with religious program S5
9965 1208 excited people  S7
9990 Dewa ? 1208 LA style  Persian  song S7
15040 CNr jammer on 1218 against  AIR (seems  they aired CC program,that  time it was  music played)  s Signal S5 . ON 1253 only AIR was heard though CNR was again back on 15+

Greek pirates added on 1200
1260 1355 1440 1495 1520 1587   Off are 1305 1386

A poor carrier traced  on 15046  on 1218  Was it pirate?
7310 1220 mentioning R Australia S1 via mi amigo ?
7385 Xizang PBS 1223 talks in Tibetan S2
9835 adn 11665 RTM S  witrh just  trace of signal on 1225
15795  1228 with relig program Thanks for listening address in Lancaster TN 37085 Chicago S9 >WWCR
15480 TRT> 1240 prg in Turkish with music and talks S5
9645 CRI 1240 In English with travel and mentioning economic transition of the country S10
9620 1242  'belibeh sum boli' supposed song title from Indian religious song  in semitradtional melody HIndi program S10
9740 BBC1249  prg in English abot American elections, and Obama S5
9930 WHRI 1300 with news in Eng Trump  again attacking Hilary UNR Radio news and intl news from World vision signal up to S9
21560 Vatican   1309 talk in Italian on violene and trrosrism (deliberate typos) S1
21610 ToM 1311 man shouting as  he was  mad S6

Greek pirates on 1400
Found only these : 1260 1484 1368 1521 1540 1555 1575

15140 Oman 1359 with ID  in English . its  signal has something broken audio S10 . All time listened some 'hratches'   sounded
21505 SABC 1402 ID in arabic S5
15059 on 1429 pirate with ID  as RTI as sounded to me . IN just two moments he changed to 15059
15825 WWCR 1427 religious program S7
9745 Bahrain 1436 with traditional  song then YL taking and mentioning some countries as America S3
7615 1441 with 'hallelujah' of YMCA then talks in Korean  > V Wilderness
11470 CNR jammer against SoH  1454
15070 Cupid radio with great  signal since 15xx and various songs Many IDs after ca 1600  the sigal was dropped abruptly  though  seemed not to sign off   (not logged but  written now by memory )

Σάββατο 5 Νοεμβρίου 2016

Logs for today 5/11

standard , pirate and via twente ...

One day i was alone in the house ! (just one day for only radio ..)
15240 R Australia? 0601 news just S1
15220 KBS 0602 news in FF mantioning also Xinjiang (or Shinjan?) and about KOrean Republic S10
15145 CRI 0606 Eng withtalks between O M And YL ,mailbox? S10
15120 CNR 0606 discussions and underground music S5
15125 CRI 0607 in spanish mentioning Libya SKoreaS10
15120 AIR? 1142 man singing o cahnting Islam Rashid ... Tara S5 >>SABC
7310 R700 1250 pop song S1-2 talks
7530 Farda ? 1631 with talks in Farsi >>BBC FS
7545 & 7565&7580 1632 CRI jammers of ca. S9
15124.03 CRi 1637 in arabic a balad song OM with emails and same info S7
7560 1805 with nice afghan (Indic type ) song S7 >>BBCDari
4557 VoPeople 1939 talks in korean mixed with NK noise jammer.
4949.7 Angola S4 with S3 QRN on 1950

Pirates and legal stations on predetermined band (manual sorting it was typed  in android using asimpe text editor )

6950 pirate 1617 songs S3
6267 ,6230 and 6305 pirates with signal below S5 under heavy QRN 1945
15037  got a traced * only carier on 0921 Also on 15043 and 15060   (* using SSB ) but unknown if they ewre hobbyist or jusst local
15040 CNR 1156 with CC song the taks byman and woman  in CC S5
15040  AIR 1242 Bolly 90s  S5 (both not onthe Eibi listing )
15070 Cupid radio 1507 ID and pop songs   sigal S7
15070.7 trace of carrier on 1624 unclear if comes from Cupid station was heard with fair signals till 1600 (i was  5 m far from playing radio )
21460  the supposed  first  hobbyist  radio staton noticed on was not heard on 08 neither on   09 (Cupid radio )
21470  BBC 1510 football playig  unID lang S5 >>Somali
21505 Ibrahim ? 1200 Arabic S5 , 1304 tribal style arabic song S5 >>BSKSA

and some Web SDR  on Twente on 1955-2015
4750 Bangla , chantings
4930 VoA Sao Tome S7
4949.7 Angola is marginal
6205 with S7 , 6230 (marg ) 6267 (S9 )

Παρασκευή 28 Οκτωβρίου 2016

Logs 27/10

5200 greek QSO 1500+
7146,5 VoBM 1722 with Horn of africa  songs S5
7185.0 VoBM ? 1723 with talks by oman  in Tigre 5
9860 CNR 1800 nic CC song S2
9870 SABC 1801 ID and news S3 quite poor
6732U operator   1802 with countdown numbers in Eng s5
9785 VoTurkey 1840 news  :  investors  called to do business  in TR  S9 max
7120 Somalia 1844 horn of africa song very low modulation
7540 Deewa? 1848 with phone in with laughs mentions of pakistan refering to ingenieur mark then a music filler and sign off.
7485 VoA sing on 1900 signal is S1 mixed with  the local qrn not easy to identify the lang  which seems as Korean

MWs :
1556.9  Atsidas ??greek pirate  1820  with greek oldies very low signal mixed with another and requirted to use dual If tuners to kill the buzz caused by the LSB
1566 HLAZ? 1829 chants
1493.4 Romania 1835 tad songs.  two statios frm Rom mixed with ca 600 Hz diference

Πέμπτη 27 Οκτωβρίου 2016

Logs of 26th

.......the day Salonica has feast
S = levels on R75 / P is QSB (fading er sinpo)
SW logs
6070 It BC 1935 I love you africa
9390 1936 english relig prg S5 QSB 2
15480 AWR 1940 relig talks in arabic - kitab- S7
15770 WRMI /ToM 1942 mentioning ToM S7
15500 & 15390  REE 1944 a phone in Sp S5
6295 pir  1951 Northern Australia S7

Greek pirates
1540 Vorios Ichos 1915 S9 mixed with foreign stations
1602 Tachidromos (Billy) with oldgreek s on 1920 mixed wthi fregn on the freq .
1555 radio Seven   ID with signal S9
1566 ??? S10
1485 Zitianos S10
till 1930

LOGS OF 25.10

S = levels on R75 / P is QSB (fading er sinpo)
15150 CNR 1001 YL TALKS /S5 , P2
15160 R Rom Intl 1233 OM talks on chinese S5 P2
15180 VoK? 1240 korean s1 max
15225   1247 talksin bamar S5 max
9835 RTM-S very early with S3 and zapin msic on 1250
6070 KBC?? 1259 a self advert andsome wellknown sogs of pre80s S7
11675 CRi 1318 /1321 namaskar China program in hindi mixd with music . S8
11540 VoTibet? 1323 in tibetan mixed with CNR SignalS9
11550 V Vatican ID 1330 withprg in spanish carier  of S1 QRM till 1332
6280 QSO USB  1332 of italian operators S2
6250 1336 prg in korean mixedr with music
12095 FEBC 1339 priest in Viet or local dialect mantionng K'an P'o Cha using pitches s5
15185 1310 religious prg in Indo mentioning to Corenthians 1356 mixes with a song  under  'syurga di hatiku', stoped with no ID
15180 RL 1400 in Uzbek mentionng KUrdistan Abu rahman and Afghanistan
9750 NHK 1413 discussion between YL ... S7
9870 Vivid Bharti 1419 with Bolly songs S9 mide with anglish speaking station
9900 AWR 1448 talk in CC , 1451 a song S20!!!
9910 KTWR just signed off 1459 S8
9745 Bahrain 2146 alone and clear in the frequency with  trad arabic songs S2  max

Δευτέρα 24 Οκτωβρίου 2016

Logs of 23.10

 3915 BBC 2225 with news S7
4949,7 RN Angola ? 2222 S2 over 1 QRN very difficult to listen due to local noise
6070 Atlantic 2000 170x with iD  then a pop  song S10
6305 pirate 2218 ingermanS3
9320 VOA 2214 in Khmer talks mentioning VoA S5
9475 RA? 2211 national Rep congress S7
9677  Talish 0553 only carrier  S3
9745 Bahrain 2206 marginal
9750 NHK ? 2207 seems trad Japanese song sigal is marginal and difficult to listen over the noise
9760 R Rom Intl 2209 with web pages S7
9790 RFI 0556 withID and ads S10
9820  ??? 0602 prg in French S3 QSB 2
9825 ToM 0557 religious preacher S10
9835 RTM-S 1712 old western pop song S5 max
9840 Arabic station 0558 of only S1 with YL  of short talking reel passing the ToH Poss not IRIB 
Listen to https://app.box.com/s/rbirtdms8da2kcay26jbxmhzv16m8dgx
11530 ToM 2215  pastor S2
11860 Sanaa 1144, Arabic songs S4
12090 Cairo 0553 with garbled audio  S9
12095 FBC 1143 talks in Viet sub-lang S3 max
15370 RHC 2213 ID song S2
21670 RSInt 1541 Azizah al kuran el hadith prg in Indo S6 max

1316 0548  Romanian station
1421 Romania 0550 German song in Eglish  S4 in //1455 with S5
1553 Greek pirate signal only S2 0552 again on 0605 with very lenghty arabic song of 70-80s

Δευτέρα 17 Οκτωβρίου 2016

Logs for Sun 16 local night

9840 WHRI with ToM 1956 OM with relig talks in Eng S4 Qsb2 
9850 VoA 1957 discussion in Farsi S9
9915 BBC 2002 with signal only  S5 max P2
9835 so signal
9819.7 R9/7  2005 advert S5 max
11764..7 SRDA 2007 ID with 3 freqs and web page S7
4820 Lhasa 2012 with nice soft music S7 25232
5066.4 Candip? S4/2 QRN using AM narrow filter Heard music then talks in French and immediate sign off
9800 ToM 2030 Mr ToM with religious talks S4 P2
6135 RCh I ? 2100 mentions of china Portugal and also many times of Angola Mozambique and malaria Lang seems Serbian

MW band:
 595 a carrier heard 1945 better in USB but S6 QRM caused by 594
1632 Slavic pirate  with Serbian music 1935 S7!
1645 Sylvania  Yparho Simon titanic Rojer & 3-4 others in QSO various signal levels 1938
1350 Mysterios1942 S5 with eighties 1942
1295 RNE 1943 sport discussions  S9 //1236   was a goal from Villarreal
1431 RAI 2024 sports news S7

Κυριακή 16 Οκτωβρίου 2016

These can't be logs !

Logs yesterday 15 /10
Radio CIty on 09xx with S3
HLR on 0736 cold not be heard
1404 ERA was off 0740

EMR 0802 signal S8  over S5 QRN
9485 0803 signal S1
7310 on 0740 withot audio  S2 ON 0811 with music S11
9575 Medi 1 0815 pop sogsn S7
15690 IBB Farsi taslk S3 only
15335 CRI Ru 0833 talsk in russisn ID S3
21580 RFI 0839 news fromAfrica FF S2
7205 QSO from salonican operator with S20 SV2???
9677 Talish0907 garbled audio S3 only
9790 R Romania 0908 DX progam . thaks ton Roberto Pavanello mntion of KBC S9

1404ERA  is back today!
greek MWpirates on 09xx :  1278(8) 1305 (9)1368(9)1385 (8)1440 (5)1520(10)1556 (9)

Κυριακή 9 Οκτωβρίου 2016

Logs 8-10-16

9860 KBS? 0706 talks in korean S20
9915 BBC WS 0706 news , local DSL carrier S5
100000 Italcable  0707 with  time clocks S5
9575 Medi1 0709 news inAR S20 , que le matin
9650 Radio Mile? 0710  tasl in French many times mntioned by YL with que le matin. 0717 with phone ins
Here are two audio recs for testing
L14 https://app.box.com/s/doq1rps4gtwgl8v16141pzjhl4z1gdvk
L15 https://app.box.com/s/3x0uzkc0tunjrewxdl7uh8ofen0wu2qc

7310 R Slovakia INtl via D 0718  german program mention also greece S7 max
7640 QSO in arabic S2 and S7 for each operator
7780 unknown Arabic spur 0725 signal S3 max Here is a record from tis stattion

The same time in MW band there were many pirates in operation . here is the full freq listing
1125 (S9), 1368 (Elines S7), 1448 ,1476, 1521 (Epouranios S20),1566 (S9)
OOB : 1620(7) 1630(9), 1660(9),1678(9)

Logs 7-10-1016

1385 NHK 1732 in Ru with sevealIDs and also inJJ S4
531 Romainia 1745 withtrad song and talks >MIxed with Jil Fm S7
1502 S Arabia 1959 ID in AA S10  mainly sready  signal
11660 1802 i CC with  news mntioning Hangzhou ali babaS9
11680 VoK 1812 with operas S5 max mosty  max signal
6285 carrier 1824 only about S5/3QRN
6165 Deewa 1828 flute play ID? mention Kabul and Afghanistan
9835 RTM-S 1844 adverts S4  max QRM DW Hausa 9830 , 2042 wth nasyid sog 2204 with S2 max and news .Good signal for this day
7530 2101 carrier ,start with piano talks byOM  then a sgs with YL in CC S5
9760 Romania 2212 news in english S5
15410 RHC 2219 in SP , YL wth talks signal is mostly marginal

Παρασκευή 7 Οκτωβρίου 2016

Logs 6-10

9819.2 R9/7 1923 with talks later with a song . S2 max
9800 ToM 1934 OM with continuous talks S2
9765 CRI 1943 a song ,  talks in PP then learn CC lang program S7
11735 Atnzania 1944 arabix  songs 1946  short talks in swazhili then back to arabic songs S10
11625 Vatican radio 2000 african news panorama IS
12050  Dandal kura 2012  in kununura  / mentionong gazkaro and atletiko  madrid S10
11930  RHC ? 2018 in spanish mixing with arabic  station S5 >>Marti
9275 WMLK 2955 OM with slow talks in  a religious program . under mod S7
9745 seems Kwanghwa with nice soft CC songs S3 on 2x16 S7 o 16 H m
1521 RNE 2131 binvenidos  S6
1566 HLAZ 2108 with talk in korean

all errors  are deliberate 

Τετάρτη 28 Σεπτεμβρίου 2016

Early morning logs 28/9

Logs by time.

1610 0258 - USA station  wirth  talk in Eng S3
1660 greek MW pirate 0302 with old songs S6
1690 pirate 0302 old folk songs S9
675 LIbya back in corect QRG 0308 quran prg S7
9630 (Brazil ) 0312  with religious  talks in PP S2
9420 ERA 0312 in // 729  by 2 sec (seem by satelite) S4
9395 WRMI 0314 talks S9

4840 (USA) 0334 mentioning education .Eng . S9
4885 Para 0315 music S7
5025 & 5040 CUba at S9 both
5085 (USA) 0316 eng talks S7
The last four ar the only this time in the band

Δευτέρα 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2016

Mixed Logs for 23+25/ 9

1566 HLAZ 1900 sign on with start of the program S3
1358 greek pir radio 9 mixed with anothr pirate S6
1188 greek pirate mixed with IRIB 2015 IRIB  heard also when greek is in his peaks S7
1350 VoA? in English 2001  about Olympic WPFM
1530 BBC? prg in English mention on NIgeria and CAmeroon S4
1521 RNE 2044 menioning Goncalves , fasst talks S7
677 LIbya 2049 lively arab  songs S7
6180 RN Amazonas 2101 with ID S9(??)mentioning RIo De Janeiro and a lengthy IS //11780S2
6070 R Star Intl , 2103 IT songs ID and talks in italian
7295 XJPBS C with songs and ID  in CC S4//7370 S9
6940 pir 2121 old rocks S5

for 25/9
6295 REf  Europe 1935  OM talks inEng S5
11735 R Tanzania 1937 funny hilifesongs S5 only (previous months with S110 )
11670 AIR 1938 with hindi song only S3!!
6676U meteo 1943 weather reports S3 1945 off
1745+-2  Slavic pir QSO 2023 low QRP S1 high QRP S6
1665  Radio Romeo 2024 slavic pirate various ID and slav folksS7 mention also Skopje and Grcia
1350 Rai ? 2026 talks in italian S5

Παρασκευή 23 Σεπτεμβρίου 2016

Various logs and info for 19-21.9

1350 from in // 1540 with intersting greek songs . Signal here is just S3  log of 20/9
100.3 greek time 0125 with Horizont from Bulgaria in stereo and fair signal . that  time all stations frm Thesaloniki trasmitted from the antenna  park of Hortiatis were down leaving only stations from other places (katerini Gidas Yanitsa etc ) including several from Skopie 93.6 96.3 95.2  hard in clear  - just assumption . Two minutes later signals  returned. 100.3 republic washed out  the bulgarian signal    Log for 20/9

From 20.9   my phone can upload videos to youtube You can visit my account as https://m.youtube.com/user/zach0gr Around 86 videos are ulploaded so far the latest are

Logs on 21.9:

9820 CNR2 1555 with nice songs . Talks after 1600  till1606 s off  S8
9870  VId Bharati with nice hindi songs . You may read a older PM  about the indian influence into greek music in this page http://zliangas.blogspot.gr/2016/09/hindugreek-music-songs-movies.html  It is a bit incoherent text bu i hope that is wirth of reading
983x RTM-S 1838 mixed with spurs from Cairo . Nice pop and rock songs . Back on 19+ with more than 2 hours listening and reading an english book for review . Fair  signal  max S9 Very long time to listen to them (I prefer stream radio from Klasik and Warna Spore ) You may find two videos in my youtube page
9870 SABC 1850-1900 with traditional arab songs .Many IDs

MW :
1512 ERA on 1800 is not in //with1008 or 729
1296 Radio  9  from Thessaloniki with QRP received mixed with a Spanish station
1350 Mysterio (greek pirate ) with nice western pops of 70-80s . Very rare IDs heard oneand half hour after starting to lisen to him . I was expecting  to listen to a  pirate from Kefalonia and on the starat of my lisetning I thought it was a foreign  station . I was wrong as on 1700 here was no ID

Δευτέρα 19 Σεπτεμβρίου 2016

Logs of 19-9-16

9885 VoA sing off 0629  S3
7355 ToM relig talks 0635 S9
7365 Marti   talk in SP 0637 s1
7780 WRMI  music program with  songs from acdiour countires uncluding Grece (Kokkinou)S6
15710 CRI Hakka 0709 talks  and songs S3
17800 DW 0712 in Eng ZImbabwe and violenceS4
17830 BBC 0716 abotu tokio S5

Δευτέρα 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2016

Not so interesting logs for 4/9

THIS PENELOPE STORY DESPARATELY  NEEDS YR SMARTEST TIP  OR R U UNABLE TO HELP ? http://zliangas.blogspot.gr/2016/09/asking-for-your-help-model-story.html

If anyone is interested in knowing the hiatus from  the recent TV competition licenses  please let me know in PM or by email  

4810 Yerevan 1759 trad song S10 hymn on 1800
4885 AIR S5 over S3 locla QRN just hear marginal , YK with talks then sudden soff
6165 AIR 1807 traditional  releigious music S7
11670 AIR 1808 YL with news in Eng S10
7480 1821 in Farsi with talks email as  'info @ ??? pms dot org' then with  more wsterniszed persian pops
9310 Mashal? 1831 discussions  in farsi steady signal on S10 for one minuteas far as i was  in the freq
9390 VoTailand 1833 vietnamized thai talks then a  ktrp thong song S20
9425 VoK 1836  with operas mostly staedy signal
THIS PENELOPE STORY DESPARATELY  NEEDS YR SMARTEST TIP  OR R U DUMB? http://zliangas.blogspot.gr/2016/09/asking-for-your-help-model-story.html
Sorry  that i  insist so much but I m desparately looking for your ideas no matter   if are stupid or not  !! Just post something !  (or even a full pasage can be highly appreciated / This is called brainstorming  )
9490 Analog DRM type signal at S20
11640  1839  a hip hop  song . a strange jammer  DRM type with continuous on off  evry 2 secs   (>>>CRIHausa?? )
11735 Zanzibar 1842 with hip hop song in swahili then a song statring with nice guitar play S20
11855  Brazil stn Aparecida   1845 with local song then talks by man and woman in PP Signal S3 max with same for 11760
11895 CRI 1848 in Amoy  or same ,many mentions of Shanghai . also heard words in Pudonghua so suppose CRI Good
15580 VoA African sce 1852 OM with ID S7/S5 QRN (DSL  lines  )

MW band
1720 slavic station with signal of S20!!  1853
1521 arabic station SABC back? 1853  with signal S4 later 2000 at S10 ON 3.9 hear a greek pirate
1566 two greek pirates on same freq 1856 with S9 .Salonica and (p) achaia
1431 'govorit Kiev ' 1900 with web or email as nrt go ru then with news S20
1540 Dytikos Ichos greek pirate  relaying internet  stream .(unknown origin)On 3/9 a profesional looking voice introduced the song followed ,in the start program playing alternative (and nice hearing ) songs that  later tuned into 'bad hearing for my  malay oriented  music ears. times 18+
1323 Erotiaris  19+  with greek old songs of 60s (mostly hindugreek )  Announcement   before the song aired with few dedications .  QSA 40 km from my shack  for S9 Listened  him for 3 hours

Κυριακή 24 Ιουλίου 2016

Logs 24-7

9535  SABC 0545  Arabic talks S5  “idaat al kuran al karim “ mentioning Doha  S5
11730 RJ? 0558  with prg in French and sudden s/off  S?
11800  BBC  0600 in French ID and News S10
9420 ERT /// MW  but not on 9935  , Sunday church on 0600 S10
11860 Sanaa 0602 Arabic , talks S8
11655 BVB   0605 in Arabic , Christian relig prog  S10

Logs 23-7-16

9525  RRI 1456 pop songs S9
11610 CRI  1503 news S8
15150  Dabanga  1529 with many mentions of the station Arabic plus S10
15245VoK  1534  mixed with another station in English S8
15245 Xoriyo?  1717  Amharic talks  S9
15445  NHK in Japanese 1719 seems a  music prog theatre play (competition?) S10
15825  WWCR not in the freq
9710 NHK /RJ 1950 talks in Eng mentioning Mishimasu S7
9590 Cairo  totally garbled audio 1954 sudden s off 1955
9790 RFI 2000 political news ID then news S7
9819.2 R9/7 2000 with ID “ catolica’  khz etc in Portuguese S3only
9460 TRT 2001 man speaking with aggressive tone applauded  S10
1746  slavic  pirate 2008 with talks and folk Slavic song S5
6050 Xizang PBS CC 2048  with nice CC music S10
6130 XIzang PBS TB  2054 giving schedule S9

Δευτέρα 20 Ιουνίου 2016

Logs for June 20 Monday - public holiday

11700 RFI 0622 talks about Brexit s9
11775 0624  talks in AR 0627 with dance  song S7 >>>>CRI
11800 Romania 0630 IS  prg in Arabic S10
11750 TRT 0631 discussion in TU  S20
11625  VAtican 0632 prg in Eng mentioning revelations .voice of pope  S10
11610  CNR 0633 talks S1
11580 WRMI ToM 0633 man with relig talks S5
11520 EWTN 0634 YL religious talks S5
15255 BBC YL with ID you are listning to BBC  African Voice 0635 S7
15300 RFI Africa 0636 //11700 S20
15420  BBC 0637 with talks S10
15595 vatican radio 0639 Eng mini bus inkabul , ?? killed  talibs were responsible /orthodox sumit in Crete greece S20
15750 IRIB 0642 'ramadan el karim' prg  , mention of mahaliya S7
17485 CRI in Arabic 0644 'modern' arabic pop songs S7
17490 CRI 0700 inEng with news S5
17850 RFI 0715 Afrique Matin S9  digistream  in the freq

Logs for June 19 sunday

9835 RTM-S 1719 S6 nice pop  western song S8
9830 CNR 1 1720 easy  music and talks S6 . FSK in the freq
9850 IRIB 1720 heard on s.off S20
9940 VoA bamar 1721 with talks S9
11540 poss Deewa talks in dari/pushtu and mentions of Afghanistan S10

Logs for tue 14

7505 V martyrs     1014 korean talks seems from live talks S8
7540   1615 talks in hindi and Eng S9 >>Deewa
7565 CNR mixing with RFA and tibetan 1626 back on  30  with RfA  missing  (//9830 for CNR )
7445 1644 prg in Eng mentionin security police BBC?? >>>yes
9940   1725 talks in Bamar S9 >>>VoA
9880 Cairo? 1727with song S10
9780  Deewa 1733 ID and talks in dari or pushtu S7
9770 CRI 1735 talks in Hakka or cantonese  byl YL S9
12120 R pilipinas 1737 heads in English spearated with short tunes S9
15140 Oman?  1741 old arabic song with discussions between OM and YL in Russian S7 max
15245 Xoriyo? 1744HoA song.mixed with VoK in fadaeouts S20 max seems amharic >>>Medrek
15285 Pakuistan?  1750 poor at S3 with songs but garbled audio
15570 vatian R afro  serive 1750  mentioning EEEEF abt Kenya , football participation and gambia S7
15015.6  operator using LSB and talks inENg
15105 RFI Afrique 1800 wth ID and news of the teritory S20
11600 dengue KUrdistan 1803 YL with talks  (news ?)in kurdish lang seems a bit farsi S30
11735 Tanzania 1806 news in English Id then changing to Swahili S20
15190 Inconfidencia 2005 with lengthy IS and frqs S3
15245 RAE ext 2006 with S9 !! airing  tango music .prg  in french

Σάββατο 4 Ιουνίου 2016

Logs for 2/6

Legend R75  & 2 x16 m inv

15010U  talks by OM in italian S2
15070  R marconi 2017 2020 2028 2040 2045   no signal  found
15130 R J /NHK 2018  with discussions S10
15245 VoK 2018 with operas S5
15345 RAE 2020  with tango songs S5
7700 RMI 2114 music  email  on gmail. starwars music ,italian panorama Sognal up to S3 but faded out after 2020
7598 VoTibet 2324 on odd freq with talks in Tibetan .There is a DRM like QRM FOR  CA 8 KHZ  span.

Τρίτη 31 Μαΐου 2016

Logs for 30/5

Reception with R75 /16 m  V antenna and for a short time with 1103  inductively with this antenna during  rain and lightinings . All logs with  S levels are  with R75
7610  1423 talks in ??  1424 with music Submarginal signal with basses just audible  /R75  >>> V Wilderness /eibi
7565   1424 in hindi  sudden s/off 1429  >>> BBC
9835 RTMS 1425 with poor signal S3 max
7595   N Korea Reform korean talks  2059 and passes  with a potentional ID in korean (xinjang )
6305  pirate 2113 withold R R  song  then with germanic
11580  ToM WRMI 2111 with  emails and tel numbers 1843 7015053
11670  AIR 2124 DX program mentioning  the closingof  R Sweden  S20
11710 CNR1 2125 with a nice ballad song . buzzer in LSB //4800
9420 //9935 (clear audio )ERT  owrld  with S9  and  not //88FM  or 729  which is  vacant
11815  CRI? 2131 theme analysis about malaysia  in korean Heard some chinese S5   >>> nothing

with 1103 >
15130 R Rom intl 1436 talks in Romanian FAir @40 good
15140  Oman  1440 prg in Eglish   , theme on abortion Fair-good
15245 Pyongyang 1447 in FF theme on japan korean conflicts  fair
15340 Reach beyond 1455 "familylife.....com " and related  topics  , the ministry , then with country music fair P=2
15435 SABC 1501 with ID 'idaat riyadh '  with talks in AR  Good
 9870 Vid Bharti 1506 Bolly-songs 1527 talks

Πέμπτη 26 Μαΐου 2016

MRI this wed

For today 25th  on 1856 +  heard the  song 'Born to be wild' then your ID . signal  here i Thessaloniki is only S1 in the mountainous point  

Once again 2004 with,max S1 signal on 16 H antenna hearing star wars music , your ID then with DX program. mention of IBC radio 1 from italy ,990 , 1134 from spain and more . I stopped then...
Usage : 16 m inv V , 16 m hor antenna (offers better signal by S1 levl ) R75 comms receiver and in ear earphones with splitter to use a cable for the MP3 recorder. 
73s !

Τετάρτη 18 Μαΐου 2016

Marconi and other logs on18.5

R M I  7700U on 1800 with signal S3  steady across  all the  1800-19 time with Dx tips program stating RSG 3320 CHU xx30 Roraima 4875 VoA 4930 , Batavia 5890, WRMI 6070 (now with zorba  undermusic )VoA BTV 6065 Kaduna 6090 fana 6110 AIR 7550  and other stations . Backon 1836
Also heard 1800 on WebSDR inNL  with very  poor  signal

7730 CNR? 1819  with  really marginal signal Heard CHN talks
9835  RTM-S with songs 1824
9910 R pilipinas? 1825 heard CC song hen talks in pilipino
9940  1831 in afro  language with religious program (head Judas name and Aziz Gar?on) S10
9965 Firedrake 1830 against ?? withS20 signal
10000 Italcable 1833 music TTY clock ID S7
12050  1837  aggresive taks in seeming HA FMish audio though not copiable in FM demod S10
11915 (S20 )//11930  (S7)//11820 (S40 ! )in Arabic 11915 goes with delay over 930  by 1 sec
11735 ZWE 1842 with typical afro songs not  the arabiic sounded (ie poss nasyid as most times )S20

MW and SW logs for 13/5

1. Long time listening with PL380 for more than 4 local nights :
777 poss Cairo  off freq at least two weeks has been heard with good signal at max with  nice arabic 10s after  22UTC At first i thought it was  Syria but on 8th (?)  i have head an ID  as  Kahira on 2300
1053 Lybia > with old arab  songs on same time as 777  for more than 5 days till today
1431 Uni radio is now withstrong signal here S10 on R75

2.using PL380  & An20 pasive tunable loop antenna for MW logs particular to 13.5 :
1386 R macedonia  pirate on 1651 with  canned ID , availabe these days (13/5 )
1521 SABC 1725 with  quranic preaches . good  sgnal
1512 ERA with local signal adn oldies 2030
1476 JOrdan 2034 with quran chants coch QRM . Poor sognal
1440 2025 disussions  in arabic with phones-in Poor
1278 Isreal? hebrew  or farsi  talks , nearly marginal signal  >>> Iran
1053  Libya 2055 talks in  pres Amazir or same then  typical arabic  dance songs of 80s

3. SW logs  (R75+16 V )
7385 Lhasa 1655 is mixed with CNR  1728 is clear. Too bad!
9975 CNR jammer 1658  against RFA? S10 /4800
9840 CNR jammer on 1659 in // 4800  Off at 1700
9830 CNR 1 //4800 on 1700 with ID  S5
15016 ??1703 "this is .....(unclear ) echoed (the onl jast heard then s/off ) >USAF msgs
15260 IBRA /Sama a 1714 YL with seeminlg trelig taks in arabic srting instrument palyed in background
15300 RFI  1716  in french mixed with ?? to form a wanering hum audio adn supressing station;s   audio
15285 Cairo? clock on 1715 (!) with totally gerrbled modualation and arabic program . mentioning Kuwait and Baluchistan S10
15610 WEWN /EWTN 1722  with religios  talks S5
7380 CRI  1728 in german S10 avbot kulture and history
7510 1728 seems  amharic  lan g but  ID seems as "esta es... "  then  with a HoA song >>>Eibi  shows IBRA in SLT (Silte )
6400 Pyongyang pangsong 1740 wth talks in korean S3

Παρασκευή 13 Μαΐου 2016

logs 5/5

Logs in Litohron,  nearby the  mount Olympus
Usage : PL380 ,  In a  totally noise free  point

17560 CNR 0859 YL talking , music underground Fair
17580 CNR 0900 ID  FAir
17615 0902 muslim chants , fair >>>BSKSA Holy Koran
17690  RL 0906 'R azadi' OM in probable dari or pushtu ,aafghan song Good
17720 Deewa?  0910 phone in  interview ,mentioning  afghanistan and  turkmenistan Good >>>BBC
15160 KBS   0916  talks in korean Fair
21670  RSaIntl  (guess !)0926 OM with religious talks in Indo , mentioning islam  religion and world Fair-Good
11795  VoTurkey 0945  IS reel in all their programminglangs , turkish song , Good
11860 Sanaa 0947 phone ins disscussions in AR Poor
9526 VoIns 1445 pop song Fair

Logs 4/5

Logs in Litohron,  nearby the  mount Olympus
Usage : PL380 ,  In a  totally noise free  point

15505 Bangla? 1520 YL talks in hindi  talks many times mentions of BGL fair
15535  Cairo? 1521 talks into a garbled audio Cannot ID language  . good
15550 Tamazuj 1522  talks in arabc , ID mentionsof Sudan Good
15575 VoA?  1522 mentioning number '19277...' and steve wonder Good
15590  1525  tamil talks ,poo  sudden s/on 15595
15670 Farda 1528 with talks , fair QSB2
15715 AIR? 1529 tamilsongs and talks  , fair
15595 Radio vaticana 1530 tasl in bamar , IS  then prog in arabic  Good
9526 VoIns 1505 &32 program in chinese QRM 9530 byTRT in turkish
7540 VoA? 1535  prg in farsi , talks  Fair-Good >>Deewa
6000 CNR 1540 talks in CC ,poor
5910 R Romania Intl 1542 talks  menrtioning credits , euros , romania adn MBR in posibly serbian lang.  Good
9420 CNR UI 1545 talks in UI (instad of listing to VoG Also nothing on 9935 ! ) GOod
9955 AIR?  1547  Bhangra type pop song FAir  >>>WRMI with ??
9965 1549  talks in korean fair >>>Nippon no kaze (Eibi )
9835 RTM 1600 songs Fair //11665

Παρασκευή 29 Απριλίου 2016

Friday 29 April logs

It is Holy Friday We aere nearly  all day in the church . i found sometim to look into radio instead of involvign into internet
Some highlights : (several missing onfo logs are deleted)
R75  & 2x16 iV antena
17880 Farda 1019  with 'turkic' song  S1 sedaey farda
17710   DW 1022 in swahili  , with talks poor
17650  CNR 1022 happy  people talking  ,trad stringed instrument , YL talksing S5
17510  AIR 1023 Bolly  song  of 60s marginal
17485 CNR 1030 "Xinwen lianpo" S3
15130 CRI 1038 Chinese lessons in russian ? S3  //15400
12055 CNR 1055 old jazz (western )songs ,short talks in KZ  adverts clock on 1100 ID with time in Beijing   S7
11825  CNR1  1115 discussions  beween  OM & YL S7

Thurs 28 april logs :

It is holy Thrusday here !
Using De1103 and loop antenna outdoors:
9840 CNR jammer 1616 man over backgroud music fair
9850 VORI 1630 prg in turkish good
9880 RA ? 1635  in eglish news reports mentioning CBC poor
9890 XJPBS 1636 uighur talks good
9900  1637 in hindi mentioning bangladesh fair >>> BBC sinhala (but  lang seems HI so what? )
9975 CNR jammer 1639 mixed with another Good
9940  VoA 1644 in bamar  witht talks poor
9420  CNR 8 1648 talks in UIghur   good
11925 CNR 1654 talks and music fair
11910  RL 1656  in tajik man mentions in TJ Good
11885 R Erena  as IDed 1700 in Oroomo   , ID in arabic "....min eritrea" then back in Oromo  seems //11810 = harmonic or splatter  signal
11715 R Vatican  1714 in russian presumably christian  program Good
11500 CNR jammer ?(against SoH  ) 1723 talks in CC poor

Σάββατο 23 Απριλίου 2016

Logs for Friday morning 22/4 05xx LT

11800  Romania 0218 talks byYL in Spanish max signal sof S34 means only S1
4840 AWR 0223 OM in English with adverts incl ‘national disaster; ad web addresses \S9  max
4875.5 barely audible music heard     SA5 music   then someone with very lo mod speaking about brazil >>R D Roraima?
1689.4 Greek pirate s into QSO 0230
792 due to  fade out of the pirate from Athens a Spanish station was heard in poor 0236
9395 WRMI True news 0242 seems religious prg S3
9420 VoG 0247still in the frequency //9935
9535 RHCuba 0246 talks in Spanish with news S1 max
6604U Gander meteo  0254 meteo news 5 max
7800 (S6) //7730 (S1)WRMI  with religious prg 0317
6080 VoA 0302 ID S1
6175 VoV 0302 with ID in spanish S7

Πέμπτη 21 Απριλίου 2016

Mon 18 logs

7595  uinIDed  S6 2038  Korean prg S9
4940 VoA in Swahili 2024 talks S10 QSB1
6265 pirate 2043 sock songs S1
6805  Greek out of band amateur QSOs QSB2  S1
6617 Russian Meteo , 2037 temps in Russian 2057 S2 C+USB
15140 Oman 2111 religious prg in Arabic then a  80s Arabic music background
15370 radio Havana Cuba 2113 with  S5 signal with a telephone number
15770 WRMI/ FG radio ? 2117 about  Turkey Greece and Cyprus S5

Δευτέρα 18 Απριλίου 2016

Logs 17/4/16

4835 Australia 2158  talks S2 oover 1 QRN
4885 Clube de para  2159 with talks in PP S3
7550 AIR in AM mode 2152political discussions S10 //11670  S5
9535  RHC 2141 talks abot Cuba in Spanish S2
9610 Cri IN ??  2147 cc Songs  and talks unID lang S1    >>CNR 8 mongolian per swskeds
9685  2150 in CC  with talks .  engine type QRM  S8 RFA CC
9835  RTMsia  2154 with adverts S5
9800  Cairo ? 2219 in English (?  Quite poor audio to identuify the lang )garbled and lo mod  S10
10054  Gander Volmet 2156  with wx S3
11580 WRMI/TOM 2202 with ID S4
12015  2205 a hip hop song in Arabic , garbled audio ,S6 Oman per  swskeds
12105 WWTN with discussions in Arabic then ID in English S3
15610 EEEWTN  2215 with discussions  . this is  the only signal on 15 MHZ
7880 radio fax   @120   S10 2153 Also another on 8020

Σάββατο 16 Απριλίου 2016

logs for April 16th

Marconi 7690  has been  heard on 2036 using  the twente SDR  system  with poor  to fair  reception -80 db Once again on 2050 with Dx news abt zanzibar RHC   etc
In Thessaloniki  signal is nil  as tested with R75  and 2x16 m antenna
other logs :
7595 new   Korean 2038 with tals by YL then with music .Sporadic   QRM  by 'digital' signal
9730 VoVietnam 2040 in English  mentioning Istanbul S5 and relatively low modulation.
9525 VoIns > 2043 with prg in french , mixed with CRI with opera  song S9
9425 KCBS 2040  talks in korean S9
6260 pirate 2046 with rock song S1
4724U AFN  2048 with encoded  texs S10 max
15191 Inconfidencia  fast pased on that time with S1 only

Δευτέρα 4 Απριλίου 2016

Logs 3-4

Logs made outdoor  with 1103 and sw mag loop on 3-4
 7285         0913 talks in italian , poor qsb2 >>> CRI romanian (???)
7310  R700 on 0916  no signal
7690  no signal for Marconi  tested  for sat 2/4 on 21-22 time on  2x16 + r75  and web sdr on twente but no signal Also same for 7-8 on 3/4
6070  DARC via R 220 0917 a song 'dana felicita'  good
9485 HLR 0919 talk by man in german fair , 0933 poor , 1039 poor
9677 V talishistan 0920 turkisc music . good , totaly garbled
9715   BSKSA  0937 undermoded fair 34232
9460 CNR 0940 talks marginal
11390 for Marconi R I tested  many times  during the 10-11 time slot but heard nothing except a local buzzer -2 kHz  off
11580 ToM /WRMI  0943 talking from bible Good
11685 CNR/CRI  fst tibetan music Poor
11785 CNR1 0959 adverts 'guangduofen '
17580 CNR 1 1000 ID fair
11885 XJPBS 1008 phone ins Poor
12055 CNR17  1010 talks in kazakh  fair
21670 R Saudi Intl 1015 man giving tel numbers in Indo , a dangsut song , ,letters comments , ID Saudi BC corp , aski9ng ffor letters , analyzing SINPO and giving their emails
21695 CNR 1030 news hebao zhezayao jiemo poor QSB 2
7330  Joystick 1037 a popsong ID 1341 mentioning restaurant pizza toscana mentioning R taiwan  Good
1153900 CNR ui 1047 intense talks by OM mentionng mashaal , telagrams m yengzongyin  and Allah  Goofed signal

Τρίτη 15 Μαρτίου 2016

Logs 13-3-16

15150 CNR 0915 double carrier as jammer against ?  S5
15160   0920 in Korean  nie Korean songs  tlks in Korean by YL S5
15220 VORI 0923 with IS   ID in Turkish or Turkmen 44534  listing sows Arabic but today is not  
15245  VoK 0926 in Korean talks abut low audio 0927 sign off
15290 NHK  0926 with  music S9
15335 CRI 0934 nice CC pop song Russian program S5 34333
11860 Sanaa 0937 discussions Only S5
21670 SABC 0938  religious Islamic program in Indonesian [give the script to the world ]
6070 DARC 1000 ID  in German and Eng S10 /S3 QRN
6095 Mighty KBC 1004 with rock song S9/S3 QRN
15235 IRIB?  1010 in Chinese ‘Yahaliya’  and ‘Uxiya’ S3
15380 CNR 1024 in CC with adverts then with national news  1025

1431  polytechnic radio  from Thessaloniki once again  with low power <50 W . even poor in the city (house is full of local  QRN  that covers the stations  signal )
558 R Rom Actualitata 0912 adverts S1
ERA today on 09xx is heard on 729/1008/1404 1512 is not audible this time

Τρίτη 8 Μαρτίου 2016

For 3/3

1103 and  8 m wire
15235  Ch Africa  1558 IS &ID in FF and EE Program in Fench  Fair . ON 7/3  very poor
15250 1601 religious program in Hindi  Good
15290 AWR 1600 mentioning POB in Lahore Pakistan  fair
15580 VoA 1603 news in English mention of Ukraine , shaking audio Good
7120  Somalia 1606 HOA song Good QRM  operators
11735 Tanzania 1843  YL with talks Good
5955 VoV 1847 YL talks in Viet , mention of  Kh Clinton  Good
7550 AIR 1800 Indian sitar relig music  Good
7505  1852  talks in Farsi Good
7375 R Rom Intl  Romanian folk song ID on 1900  then talks in Romanian QRM from local type signal on 7385 43443
11670 AIR 1918 Bolly songs . local like signal
11660  BBC Hausa 1951 with ID  Good

For 5.3

1103 and 8 m wire
9790 RFI 0758  talks in FF Good
11580  ToM  0842 chants , talks abt ToM and Antichrist fair
11785 CRI in English 08-05 newws   fair
11860 Yemen 0815  ID as yemeniya  huna sanaa  idaatu ...yemeni , then  man speaking with intermediate chanting? by a  small group Good
12005 farda 0820 jazz song , jingle ID , a pop songFAir
7250 Vatican 0837 liturgy Good
15135 CRI 0843 CC lessons in indo , then talks 0848 Marginal
15145 AWR 0851 in Tamazight or same with religious talks mentioning Jeremiyah  Good
15150 CNR 0920 news ad self adverts Fair

7.3 logs

1103 and 8 m wire
15400  Tamazuj 1545 several station IDs during speaker talks in AA  , mentioning a telephone nr  2225 , akhbar and then an lengthy ID Good
15665  AWR 1521 in Tamil mentioning Maratha India as POB on 1530 program in Kannada fair
15825  WWCR 1530 Eng  with prays . GOod
12020 VoK 1535 hymns , with short talks by YL . later 1540 with talk in English Fair
12120  1540 relig talks in English  POor and local buzz carrier
12035 1542 Indian song YL, relig prg mentioning Bible in HIndi
7600  BBC in tamil 1545  with talks Poor
9820 CNR 2 15550 with nice pop  song Local
9750 NHK 1552 talks in JJ  then a JJ song Fair
9740 KBS (S Korea )1558 IS in korean and EE then program in Korean Good
9630 Xinjiang 1600 adverts  a guitar  play mixed with talks Good

Δευτέρα 29 Φεβρουαρίου 2016

Logs for 26 th

684 R R A   1833 in romanian A greek like rythm then ID and news in romanian  signal S7 on 16 H //684
9740 S Kkorea 1841 a jazz song YL mentioning abt chiense diplomacy S10
9525 V o Ins 1847 a sunda pop song S4 16 H
5995 1843 + 51 with rteports and modfe in viatnamese  and mention of Hanoi S4
11680 AWR 1954 with program in arabic S10
9485 talk in tigrinia mention of Jesus and Africa and Nigeria UNIted R Africa HoA song possibly an ID that i didn t catch
11615  RHC? 1904 is marginal with talks in Spanish  S2 max
11670 RHC 1906 prg in arabic but mentions of Cuba !!
6730 CNR 1914 talkin CC S1 max
5925 IRIB 1919 in albanian ,providing web adress S20
5935 IRIB 1921 in french ending program S30
5955 VoV? 1923  Viet song ,a  music that turned nto talks S7 max S3 QRN
9730  RDP ? 1931 DXprogram in PP mentioning Inconfidencia RHC kBS adn many more S7 max
5950 1938 A HOA song S7 max 35222
11615 VoA prg in kirundi mentioning many times abt Rwanda Giga America an BUrundi S7
9420 VoG 1954 with greek songs of60s Just marginal
9425 VoK 2012 in korean withoperas S2 max
9540     2020 in  posibly hausa many mentions of NIgeria and reports s off 2030 >>>RFI hausa
9645 BAndeirantes 2052 in  PP mentioning Maria Bajes and news and Washington post ,a song or jingle on 2055
9860  2125 talks in korean max S3
9445 AIR 2149 Bollly songs prg of 70ss prhg in English S(9
9435 VoA 2201 lang seems Khmer mentions of Pnom Penh S9 >>>eibi yes
9350 WWCR 2  2220 christian  talks inEnglsih
11565 B Stair 2228 pastor with varios talks S1-2 //11580 S10
9450 CNR 2231 "xinwen  he bao zhezayao jiemo"   (external ?news)S7