Παρασκευή 26 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

Logs 20-25/12

20 . 12

6240  2324 with old pops (80???) S4

9485 EMR relay 0902 difficult reception under S8 QRN from unknown impulse system. just a  carrier of S1
11645  ERT open 0925 in Greek , fair // 9420 good // 15630 poor S3 //1404 now the only freq in MW
1334  Romania still audible on MW on 0935  with S4 // 1179 S4 // 1153  S5
11795  TRT 0943 in Farsi with ID good
15200 Nigeria 0951 in English  Suffers from low volume GOod
15160 Farda  1342 OM with  talks in Farsi mixed with songs . Mention of Kurdistan ID 1345  fair
15480 AWR in Chinese 1358  IS reel in various languages 1400  again in Chinese
15562  VoTibet 1404  with talks in Tibetan Fair on high  QRN level


6235.2 pirate  with oldies 1900 S2
4930  VoA STP 1904 with news  Only S2
9940 @1906 talks about Zambia in afro lang S9 max TWR Lingala
9745 V Kuanghua 1908 too poor at S1 only
9700 VoA ? in Kurdish 1909 abt America HK S7
9575 Medi 1 back 1919 with adverts  in French (Atro) and Arabic S9
9526 VoIns 1913 with prg in Eng abt Japan S9
9505 1914 with Arab-hilife music S7  >>VoA in Hausa
9430 1917 with talks in RU S9 >>> Cairo
11735 R Tanzania 1921 with Arabic song and ‘flickering’ modulation  S20
17790 WRMI 1924 is the only in this band at S1
6060 VOIRI 1931 in  Arabic seems quran S9 max
1566 poss Italy is marginal together with a Greek pirate station 1935
7200 p V of Sudan 1940 in Arabic in a very low modulation S7
6239 pirate 1951 with rock songs S1
6170 V o Korea 1912 in German S7 in a clear freq

Πέμπτη 18 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

Logs 15+16 dec

This time the logs are made in DTP mode  for $1  due to very hard work for seting up the layout :


Κυριακή 14 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

Logs for 13/12/14 #2 night !!!

Logs for 13/12/14 with R75 & 2x 16 m inv V

With again poor signals

9835 RTM 2046  with nasyid song S1-2
7200  Omdurman 2046  OM  talks in AR S5 with low modulation
7205 RF Intl? 2048  wth football prg mentioning Samara kicking the ball and with score 3-3  S7 max
6130 Xizang PBS 2055 with talks sand signal S4-5 . the 5 MHZ signals are inaudible due to local QRN  
1260 & 1512  again not audible . ON 1512 an Arab station with Islamic prg is audible with S3
9870 BSKSA 2058 with Arabic song then man mentioning Charisma , then music clips with fast beat en OM with ID  ….min Riyadh S3// 9555 with S7
9395 supp Global 24 on 2114 with ppl into discussions . I supposed  to listen to CRI but checking with 9600  was not in parallel S4  max
11769.9 V Nigeria  2120 with OM talking in Hausa Thanks to EiBi  Kaduna also audible on 6089.9 on 2137 with S57  and prg from man speaking in pubic

Σάββατο 13 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

Logs 13/12 /14

With Lowe HF150/8 m

 7310  R700 with ‘song listen to your heart’ on 0746
 9395 Global 24  0748  with reports Australia institute QRM 9400 Denge Kurdistan
11520 WEWN 0752 with talks  fair
11610 CNR 1 0753 talks poor
11640 0755  talks in viet or Cantonese 0755 >>>CRI
11725 RNZI  singing off after the  song and the s./off  notification poor
15185 on 0812 spur of 15250 with very garbled  audio IRIB in German Also spur  on 15315 Audio on 15250 is clear
15465 BBC 0814 with  news in English .Poor signal
9705  Xinjiang PBS 1204  with music and talks in UI poor
15730 R Rom Intl 1210  with news in Eng Fair
15160 Farda 1302  with OD  Doog
15450 IRIB in Indonesian 1305 with religious talks Fair

Logs 12/12/14

With Lowe HF150/8 m and tested also on R75 with the S units below

9820  R9/7  2242 poor with QRM
9855 RA  with English  song 2243  fair  //9890
9830 WTWW via WHRI with  ID 2244  but poor signal
9955 WRMI TOM?? With relig  talks 2245 poor
7230  CNR CC talks 2246  fair
7365 HCJB via GER  in German with german songs 2247 poor (S5 in R75  )

With R75
9980 ToM with talks 2256 S3
9745 DRM station 2209 with S5
9740 BBC WS ID 2300  S9
9695 CRI in Japanese ID S6 2302
11790 RN Amazonas 2304 talks in PP S1
11765 SRDAmor 2305 songs S1
11760 RHC with prg in SS S3 buzzer at -1 kHz
11550 WRMI ? in Eng with relig  program S5 QSB 2
 7200 Myanma radio 2309 with signal 132x1

MW  (quite poor that day )
1540 RNE? 2311 about Real Madrid S3 max
1512 & 1260  are off

Σάββατο 29 Νοεμβρίου 2014

Logs Friday 28/11

1278 France Bleu 1744 song En Champs  Elysees  OM Dassin YL version with a bit  changed words S1
1385  via LTU  1754 in Russian with talks S7 , a strange motor like buzz on 1757 from a pirate
7130 nothing in that  freq 1815
4780 Djibuti 1818  discussions S8
4835  is only S1  on a S4 QRN level
5010.6 possibly MDG 1320 with  only S1  on S4 QRN wandering carrier
15420 USA WBCQ with signal only S1 @1822 string USBish reception  ‘what I say  
15695 RFI in FF not //15300  with QSB 2  s off 1830
15770 ToM  or same OM voiced as ToM’s pastor ,. With relig talks S3 only
15610 VoA? 1832Phone ins in Eng    S4 @2322    >>>>WEWN per Combined
15580      ?? 1833 in Eng African football S10 >>>>VoA per combined no @eibi
9835  RTM –S 1836 with pop song S1-3 max 9840 is clear  test 2315 with S4 !
7455 (S10) // 7495 (S9)  Deewa 1741 with afghan  songs  ID 1842
6290  pirate 1844  with HM  song S4
6240 pirate 1845  with pop music S1
6260 CVC Asia –HI 1846 with Hindi song S9
6270 & 6235 S3-7  spurs of IRIB 6135  in French S15 1850 .News or comments abt Oman & S Arabia
6120 & 5980 rel of TRT #1 (Bir ) S20 with adverts 1855
9500 TWR with ‘African chanting’ prg in Eng  address in Nairobi ID TWR  1859 and S off S10

Pause for outside
MW Signals in 16 H antenna
1566 possibly challenger radio 2314 with rock songs S3
1044 SER 2317with adverts S7
7730 WRMI 2321 inspanish  ‘lecturra bindia’
11665  WAi FM 2322  with talks S3
9635 VoV? 2326  with talks in Viet S1  >>> VoV prg 1 per Eibi
9435   ?? in Korean 2328 S4 >>> combined & Eibi say CRI in JJ

Δευτέρα 24 Νοεμβρίου 2014

Logs for 24/11

Using HF150

9830 CNR1 0735 with ads poor
9420  ERTOPEN  0740 news reports in Greek Good
9330    spanish spy 0742  with Spanish numbers and peculiar sounds 89884  etc fair
7400  TWR 0805 OM with relig talks in Eng good
7390 R Tirana 0809  with song , ID then talks in Albanian fair
9400 Denge Kurdistan 0815 mixed with local BPL(??) with a poor result
9395 global 24 in the news 0825 featuring Chinese music then 0830 with advert abt Christmas and radio gifts . ID with News Radio intl via WRMI  then jazz music by Eleanor James  fair  signal or S5 on R75
15145  AWR 0840  with relig talks in Tamazight  type lang closing prg with address in Geneve Switzerland , in French
15390 CNR Uighur prg 0849  with talks in Uighur  Poor
15465 CRI 0853 with talks in Eng then with CH lessons . Poor
9820 CNR 0910  with very poor signal
9990 Farda 0911 with talk in Farsi – poor

Σάββατο 22 Νοεμβρίου 2014

A fast band scan late local night 21/11

With R75 /2x16 V  under strong local  QRN of S7 across all bands (unknown source ) that can be  blanked out with R75’s Noise Blanker in nearly all instances below

4724 AFN  messages 2304  S5
4980 XJPBS 2308  sx S9
5010  CNR  jammer vs ?: 2309  S10  
5025  CU  Rebelde 2310  fast talks in SP S7
5060 XJPBS in CC 2310  discussions
6265 pirate 2311 pop songs S 3
9330 WBCQ in C+U  2317 with talks S3  
9370 WWRB 2318  talks S2
7580 2319  S1 Asian  lang CA or CC but not JJ/VoK  as per Eibi   >> From combines ViA Tibetan
11764.8 RSDA 2321 talks in PP S3
11780.1 RN Amazon 2322 talks in PP S6 fluttered
11815 not in air 2323
11825  2324  talk s in Eng S3 >>>B Stair?
11855  2326  talk in PP  S5 >>> Aparecida ???
12055  2328  IS then 2330 prg in Bamar ,seems  relig >>>FEBC
12105 WTWW Leb 2333 relig talks in AR S5 mention of St John
9695 CRI in JJ with discussions S5 //9435 S3

Πέμπτη 20 Νοεμβρίου 2014

MW and few SW logs again 19/11

MW and few SW logs 19/11
Using HF150 and  basketena

1440 ??? 1715 song creatures of the night  ID heard not noticed , German talks , german ompah song , but seems relig talks .  fair signal > RTL ??? enwg
1458  CRI 1718  in Bulgarian with CC lessons Good
1422  R Romania Actualitati 1725 wit mambo ld song ID 1730 ‘paw owe’  QRM polytechnic station on 1431
1503 …  with pop songs 1733-39  and talks but signal is low and overwhelmed by QRN so tat i cant listen to the lang  Supp Beograd
9820  Pilipinas  mixed with IRIB Swahili , with Irib  winning .IRIB mentioning news on Palestine and Slovenia ID 1755  Good
1395  TWR in Hungarian 1953 with Christian prg and web address in .hu Polish in 2000
9755  Vatican radio 1956 with Ae Marias . string signal
1413  Vesti FM 2122 news  Vizie FM , Voci Istori 2130 and many Ids as Vesti FM   news heads  good signal

Τετάρτη 19 Νοεμβρίου 2014

Logs 19-11

Logs 19-11
Using R75 and 16 inV

9915 0734 talks in Eng  QRM 9915.5  >>BBC
15120 Nigeria 0737  in French  very low mod  S10
15145  CRI 0738  a CC song  prg in CCS1  only
15185.08  0731 in Eng  news BBC style   >>>> CRI in Eng toSas
15230 ??? 0742 in Arabic  with Christian relig  songs S7 my suppose  AWR No  mention in Eibi AWR in Aoki
15200 R Romania Intl 07453 talks in AR ID  S7 /15330 S5
7310 R 700 0745 with  rock msx  S2
6045  KBS 0746  with one of the worst ever  heard  trad song , style of the Ainu way  voiced (ie strong vibrato )  , played with drums . then talks in Korean . Assume KBS , Eibi agrees
15250 IRIB 0755  in German . Lessons of Persian S10
15490  Reach Beyond 0804 relig prg in English S3

1575Radio Due 0806  ID by OM S1

Πέμπτη 13 Νοεμβρίου 2014

Thur 13 /11 logs

Thur 13 logs using hf150 and 8 m hor antenna

Thur 13 logs using hf150 and 8 m hor antenna

9395 Global 24??  0705 talks in English abt Ukraine fair Qrm from strong 9400 in Turkish
9475 RA 0710 ID ABC news ,self ads fair
7310 R700 marginal 0715 pop songs 
7365 HCJB   0731seems talks in German ,music Marg
11520 WEWN    talks in eng ' tel number relig themes  fair low mod 
11580  ?? in Eng 0736 with relig 'Bible broadcasting' and sw . good signal
11610 CNR 0739 talks ads poor
11640 CRI 0741 seems as Cantonese poor 
11945 BBC?? 0856 with music and talks fair
15135 CRI Indo/Mal 0859 talks discussions Poor
15160 KBS 0901 talks in KO fair 
11885 XJPBS 1045 talks & phone ins in Uighur  Fair    

Logs 12/11 ‘

Logs 12/11 ‘
using R75 and 16 m Inv V

11700  HOA  song 1740 OM with talks in …
11720  1745 HoA songs with talks in Arabic S10  IAL hamalia Ketahir America and Ethiopia
11735  Tanzania 1747  dangdut like rhythm songs  S10
11800   Liberty 1749 in BLR //9840
11925 CNR 1 1751 with CC songs //4800
6870  CNR 1 jammer against SoH  S2
6518 VoR 1757 marginal over QRM  Max S3  talks
6205  IRIB in German passes  ToH with no ID . prg abt health Freiheit (free time? )etcS10
4765 Tajik R 1803 with tals in TJ over some music afghan type S6/S5 QRN
7486 1810  OM in Farsi continuously mentioning Azadi Best in 16 H antenna S6>>>>Eibi : Payam e dhoost
9820 RA? 1833  with talks in Eng S2
9835 RTM S 1847 with Malay song jemu S3 max on the  16 H antenna
9870 BSKA  1955 classical Arabic songs of 70s S5

Δευτέρα 10 Νοεμβρίου 2014

Logs sat 8

Logs sat 8
Thessaloniki ICON R75  and  2 x 16 inV
9830 CNR 2050  S1 only . ON Litohoron the signal  was  good
4820  Lhasa 2054 tibetan music S4
9835  RTM  S 2100 quran preaching S0
9840  KBS 2058  korean pop songs  Arabic prg S20
6240 +6230 Spurs from 6165 (S20 )Egypt? In Italian
6220 pirate 2109 songs I want dance pet shop boys?  And old discos S3
6003  VoP 2115 choir KO  talks , no QRM S3
6090  Kaduna? 2127 mixed with a CC station S5
7570 VoK 2142 S korean style song (pop song )  and English prg S8
7520 Farda 2147 Afghan song ID S10
7460 seems  RFA 2148 korean talks S9
7440 CNR 1 2201 ads S10
9835  CNR 1 (jammer?) 2202 //7440
9505 ?? 2214  reading  the Bible mentioning Pennsylvania Eldorado springs musicians S9 >>> WHRI
9565 Marti? 2220 talks in SP mentions of Cuba , S2
11550 ‘R Paradise’ 2244 about world leader 855 4379448 , randy white ministry S10
11580   TOM ?? 2256 about  NWO S10  ?>>  Br stair??
11650  2303  arabic songs S5-7 >>>Oman
11670 RHC 2304 in SP providing frqs  . FM freq then intl news

Κυριακή 9 Νοεμβρίου 2014

Logs today 9th /11

Using  R75  and 16 x 2 inv V ,  corexions  using Eibi

15135 CRI with prg in Indo with talks and in CC 0915  S5
6190  EMR etc 0905 with signal flooded by  local noise , not even a trace of carrier
17550 CNR1  0917 adverts S7 max
17490 (20)+ 17650 (9) on 0920 CRI with news abt Iran
17735 CRI in Indo 0922 with talks S7
17745  R Rom Intl 0924 ID in between talks S7  //17775 S5
17875  0926 with rhythmic music seems HoA >> Eibi in Indo

Later ….
4750 Bangla R 1601 HI songs talks in HI/BAN S8
4980 XJPBS 1603 talks in UI  S7
4810 Yerevan 1604 with songs (Armenian?  They seem Turkish ) talks that seem as Farsi (Kurdish? )S9
3950 XJPBS 1612 adverts music S5
6295 Rfs Europe 1622 with relig prg ,marginal signal
7550 Denge Kurdistan (not on 11510 )1622  with discussions btw OM and YL S9
7530 V of Martyrs 1623 YL talking , a song as background
12125 IBRA /TWR (IS) 1624 with  afro songs over stringed  instrument S7 sudden v/off 1630
12115 R Dialogue 1628 pop song ID then hilife songs  S9
9915  Ashna  radio ? 1656 with addresses , tells emails then with talks passes w/o ID
9940  RFA 1705 with talks in bmar 1704 mentioning countries of the region S8 tune in signal was gone    

1512 /1260 Ert open with news in russian  1618

Δευτέρα 3 Νοεμβρίου 2014

Logs 3/11

Fast logs 3/11

9745 Kuanghua 1701  talks by man in CC fair
9870  Vivid bharti1710 Bolly songs  between talks fair
9850 IRIB in Bosnian 1731 ID and talks fair
9820  ?? 1736   in Afro language , intense tals , fair > > IRIB Swa
9810 ?? 1730 afghan songs Good   >>> BBC Pushtu
9780 R Rom  Int 1800 ID in Eng fair
9840  RFI in French till 1801 Russian local signal

Τετάρτη 29 Οκτωβρίου 2014

Logs 29/10/14

Logs on the 8 m antenna with HF150 and  HIFi ears

7210 RFA  1517 Korean Good
7245 Tajikistan r 1519 Tajik songs ,fair, under mod
7255 BLR ?? 1519 RR songs Undermod fair
9830 CNR 1525 talks  poor
9840 Svoboda 1525 ID in BLR Good
7275 XJPBS 1528 talk in UI fair
7330 R Rom Int1530 ID prg in German
15205 SABC 1656 with dull audio and  chratch sounds Good
9400 Denge Kurdistan 1707 in Kurdish wit seemingly news Good
11855 Erena 1709 just  above the (huge )local noise
17540 Impala /Mara 1718  mentioning Mara and Rwanda  in Kiryarwanda Good

Τετάρτη 22 Οκτωβρίου 2014

Logs 22/10

....with deliberate error

Using R75 and 16 m inv V
12105 CNR? 1116 with talks  in CC 1120 children song S7 >> AWR per Eibi
21670 SABC 1119  in Indo with news S9
17495 CNR //12055 1121  talk in CC
17530  CRI 1122 in viet S0 S3 in H
9680 CNR 1125 talk s S5
9890 CRI 1137 with news in RR S7
15110 1138 orchestral music S5 max  Romanian talks ? > CRI in Esperanto
15500  1141 in Farsi ‘ Sedaye ahoye sudah’   ID in 1144 with emphatic talks > IRIB dari S4
9420  XJPBS 1147  with talks , poss. news S3
15040  AIR 1229 with Bollywood music S4
15245  V o Korea 1314 in English   Kim Jong Il  , Russian S5
12055  TWR 1315 IS , ID  prg in Assamese S10
12065  IRIB 1318  in Dari with talks .garbled modulation with splatter till +20 kHz  
7310  R 700  Germany 1320 is just marginal
7435  Fareda 1322  pop songs ID S5
156300  R F Chosun 1411 with talks in Korean S5

Logs 21/10

with HF150 and 8 m hor antenna 
9860  KBS 0726 talks in Korean  good
15115 CNR1305  adverts  good
11590 Life Changing radio 1307  in Hindi or Hindic with address in Delhi . Message of hope Life changing radio then tamil at 1316
11580 TWR  1318 in viet with talks mentioning of Hanoi fair
11550 Vatican 1325 in  lang that seems  P  mentioning Mundial  on 1330 Laudetur Jesus Christus  to Latin American . A 1355 in Korean
11510 Denge Kurdistan 1340 with Turkish / Kurdish songs talks in Farsi type lang  and then traditional song
11630 CNR 1400 after the hymn East is red with talks in UI . Underneath imam singing
11730 BLR 1414  with talks , News Undermod but good signal
9500 FEBA  1456  in Hindi lang
9525 RRIn’sia 1500 prg in Indo  IS prg is in Chinese Seems bit Undermod
9620 AIR  in SD  1515  with tad Hindi songs

Πέμπτη 16 Οκτωβρίου 2014

BIG LOG LIST of 15/10

Logs 15/10 big list

Here with HF150 and 8 m antenna
15542 VoT 1345-5  with prg in CC  with ID and mostly talks , then in TB then s ff 1400
15555 Iran talks in JJ ID and prg sched  Good
15555 --- 1430 in Korean  with talks  fair
15610  EWTN 1450  talks discs in easy eng , relig seemed after 1452 ID EWTN  self adverts Fair
15615  CNR 1456 ads phone ins talks Fair
15620 RL  1500  in Avari  mostly  news from RU  Good
15825 WWCR  1506 spiritual program  Fair – good
15130 RRom Actualitati  1527 in Romanian with news  and ID Good
15140 Oman  1533  with Arabic songs 1535 with  talks mentioning technology Good
15160 1542  talks in Arabic mentions of Sudan At 1547  seems as Farsi  or Urdu Pakistani style song FAIr 1555* s off   > Cairo in Uzbek per Eibi
15175  1553  with Hindi song also seems as Pakistani style 1600* Good   > AIR Gujarati 
15110 CNR (?)1606 with nice  CC song 1607  YL in CC  with talks that seems as poem  Song 1617 poor . Nothing on Eibi
15205  BSKSA  Holy Quran  mentioning Ibrahim , and Mahmud  to pray . . talks in public 1632 another prayer Good
15235  Channel Africa 1638 with prg in French ID and station  data , 1647  talks abt Senegal 1650  Channel africa Good    Hmm too much time   to listen to them …
15180  1701 in poss Somali with short tunes of HoA music Good > Hilaaac

These logs are made with  ICOM  R75and 16 m inv V

7530 unID CC 2129  with talks in CC , numbers with info , sudden audio off and after 2131 s off S7 
This is possibly the unknown station  heard last year??
7505 found a  carrier that was off at 2131  <<<  coming from RFA as per Eibi
7495 Algerie ? 2132 with Quran  good
7460 RFA talks in Korean 2134  S3
7300 Akhbar Muhrifa 2134 in Tachelhit  with  talks S20
6518 V o People in Korean  with S3 max  heard the 30% of the time Also 660000000
12105 WTWW in French S1  2141 mentioning Abraham
11580 EWTN ? 2142 with relig songs S9
6000 CNR 1 2116  CC songs S3
6205 pirate  2130+  2157 with pp songs  MAX S3
7505 on 2150 with talks in Tibetan (RFA?) but two carriers  , second with CNR  hammer afere 10 secs of operation of RFA S8
7290 CRI 2216 in Korean with talks S2-5
7200 IRIB s on with IS  two times on 2219  then prg in Indonesian S7

And two short logs on 16-10 
4840 WWCR 3 mentioning  cot com  , blah  0411  low mod S9
4885 Para 0411 talks  S7
4960 VoA 0412  talks S9
5025 Rebelt @ Cu 0413 talks S9
5040 RHC 0413  ID S9

Τετάρτη 15 Οκτωβρίου 2014

Logs 14/10


9440 BBC  in Hausa  0540 talks Fair
9515  SABC ?0545 in Arabic with news  then a song fair not listed in Eibi
9760 Farda 0556 songs ID Good
11750 0915 arabic and IS good
11825 CNR 0916 talk in CC poor
11935 ??? 0923 quran fair not in Eibi
12055 CNR? 0925 music and talks Eibi> KZ
12130  0938phone ins poss. farsi , marginal > Mashaal
15130 Liberty 0952 talk in RU 0956 song ID  Good
15235 KTWR Agana 1000 in CC IS DI prg Poor
15270 CNR 1 1001 ads  talks Echoed Poor
15410 1141  with music , marginal  >AIR in TB
15110 CRI in seems as JJ talks poor >EO (Esperanto )in Eibi
15120 RFA  1155 in Bamar music and talks Fair ID 1157
15215 ??1201 in Tibetan music that seems a bit Hindi > FEBA
15285 RL 1323  reports in Ru , mentioning Putin Tibet  Good

Κυριακή 12 Οκτωβρίου 2014

Logs 11/10

HF150 in salon , 8 m hor wire

9830  CNR ID on 2x30 in CC Good
17660  RFI? 1230  in FF good
17630  CRI 1234 in Eng , news mostly abt Germany and phone ins  . possibly not //15490
11590 life changing radio 1356  music ,ID and Koran after 1500
11605  RFA 1310 in Tibetan mixed with CNR in CH Fair
11610 ??1314 in Hindi with many Hindi songs also sx on 1438  CRI in Hindi per Eibi 
11665  Wai FM heard marginal on 1446
9950  RFA per Eibi 1410 with talks in Viet  fair
9965 RA 1411 with American country music good //9475 fair
9975 TWR 1420 with Chinese man singing over a piano  Good

Τετάρτη 8 Οκτωβρίου 2014

Logs 7+8/10

Λογς 7/10

7355  1352  abt iran in Farsi Fair signal  (eibi shows  Kurdish -??? )
7365 CNR 1355 ads , talks . Poor
7385  CNR 1 1355 zhongguo zhe shen’ time 22  Good , Jammer?
7395 CRI  1400 in Japanese 1530 English
7120 Hargeisa 1550 with talks in Somali OM shouting good  signal
7230 CNR in Mongolian with ID on 1600  fair
7250 Bangladesh Betar 1604 Hindi songs , Arabic  talks Fair
7340 XJ?  1625  with seemingly Uighur songs

15105 BBC 0649 news desk Good
15140 CRI 0654 speeches , Eng talks . Good

Τρίτη 7 Οκτωβρίου 2014

Logs 6/10

9740  BBC ??in English fair  1350
9720 TWR in Hindi fair IS at end ie 1400
9695 Deewa R in Dari 1401ID and news fair
9680 CNR 1441 ID good
9645  XJPBS 1405 with news in UI Fair //9630 good
11560 DVB? 1501 talks in BM undermoded good
11650 R deus /Theos 1525 talks I Russian Fair
11630 unIDed 1540 song that  seems as afghan , lang is surely Hindi , then  Indian  song 1546  talks with mentions to Jesus  Good , nothing in Eibi
9860 CNR 1 1600 with ID  and time is 00 Good
11715 poss Vatican R in Russian on 161x with mentions on Ukraine  Strong
11725  1620 with Arabic pop song . talk in Arabic then back to talks , good
11735  ZWE 1638 with hilife songs  and talks in VN , then Quranic psalms  Good
7520  rather  V Martyrs 1711  with talks in Korean , 1720 with songs

Πέμπτη 2 Οκτωβρίου 2014

Logs 1/10 with HF150

Logs 1/10 with HF150

15120 Nigeria 0530  discussions in EG drums , Mary and father talking  Good signal
15170  BSKSA 0536 OM with quran preaches  Good
15190  WRMI with ToM  relig talks Good
15225  0546 typical western type religious songs  FAIr
15300 R Australia NF???? 0549  with talks and  news  fair  0600 and then RFI on the freq
15310 IRIB  0603 in Bosnian with talks together with acapella  talks
15350 RA ? 0614 with talks , marginal
15360 Farda 0615 song and  phone-in , mentions of Skype Amen  Good
15595 Vatican R 0630 with news Poor
15700 DW 0649 in English but nearly marginal chorus mixed with talks
15145 CNR 1331  with old operas Good
15130 ???? 1336  with English talk s 1350 in hindi Off 1356

Τρίτη 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

Logs 25-27 /9

25/9 with HF150 and 8 m hor antenna

5985 CRI   1630 with hilife song S9
12125  IBRA1635 HoA song Amharic  S10
12105  R dialogue 1636 hi-life song S10
12140 Farda 1637 Farsi song  S20
12070 VoA 1638 HoA songs S10

logs 26/9 with R75

9820  r 9/7 talks0544 fair
11775  CRI 0610 Arabic song fair then mentioning a doctor
11815 RBC 0516 with songs poor 0636 faade out
11850 Svoboda 0638 discussions Good
12130'  Mashaal  0652 lang ?music talks then Persian song marginal
9475 RA 0723 with talks Poor
15225 AWR 0750 songs emails Good

27/9 HF150 + 8 m

5880 Farda 155 hi-life type song Good
5875 poss BBC1527  afgha song possible ID o1530 good

29/9 with R75 and V16

9835 RTM 1854 with S9  'you know i love you' is sung by Malay Dato Shake  at 2000 and with old songs program for2day  At 9840 Svoboda with only S4
9820 RA  1854 with S7 talks
9965  Deewa  1856with phone ins  singing S7  heard very good
9975  CRI?? 1857 with  Chinese music sudden s/off 1901 S9
9925 Pilipinas 1902 with talks in Pilipino S3
9875 VoK 1903 in English with ID S10 // 7210 @1940  Korean on 2009 S10 news
9775 Afia Darfur  1905  in Arabic with mentions of Darfur S7
6030 Oromiya 1906 HoA songs S9
7220 supp VoA in Kurdish 1944 S20 with talks  S20

These logs are listened with parallel typing on tablet /offline mode
11580  Br Stair 2010 English religious prg S7
11635  VoK 2011 talks in Korean S7 
11660  RA 2012  English ,discussions S9
11680  VoK 2016 operas S4 max
11735 ZWE 2018 nasyid songs S9
11765  Arab with quranic psalms over SRDA   2020 .Islamists tapping Christians the radio  way.... (humor) this is Algeria
11780 R Amazonas 2021 with   signal only S3

Δευτέρα 22 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

Logs 20+21/9

Logs 20/9
9677  R Talisyistan 1113 with songs and bad modulation Fair
9705 Xinjiang PBS 1114 with opera like songs  . Poor
12130   1241 in Russian , talks , Fair
11510 Denge  Kurdistan 1255 with phone ins , discussions with underground Turkish songs ; ID 1259 good signal
11580   TWR 1440 talk in Korean , fair Nothing on 1455
11590 Reach Beyond 1455 in Hindi wit address in Delhi mentioning something like as Salam Aswara  as ID . Ending  the org prg in Eng as his is te life changing radio . Fair  then s/off
11560  DVB 1503  in Bamar , only talks , fair
11540 Farda 1513  in Farsi with talks (news? ) and interviews Fair
11580 CNR? 1527 with talks in CC fair  s/off 1600
11620 ??? 1610 with prg in Eng , talks abt America  fair 1615  QRM  from AIR in Russia
11600  in farsi  , seems  religious  1742  fair. Eibi: bible Voice
11610 with HoA songs good . IBRA per Eibi

9485 EMR  with poor/fair signal on 0806 with  well known song of the past  ID Studio EMR

Logs 19/9

6195  VoT in Turkish 1630-3 mentioning  Ali Baba , strong
6145 CNR wit nice song till 1700 on TOH  with s/off Fair
6110 ?? in Urdu /Hindi 1715 wit talks and adverts 6112  qrm digital stream  6105  BLR??
6100 ? 1720 with  classical  music poor
6090 Kaduna 1741 OM with talks in Hausa seems  mostly names then hilife song  . someone  seems experimenting signal in the freq producing hets  fair
6080 CNR and VoA mixed .VOA with news in Eng  on 1803 ID on 1805 . Good signals
5920 IRIB 1813  with  talk in Russian ,mixed with  background music
5940 VOA from BOT in  ZWE (??)  - langs of Zimbabwe , mentioning Zimbabwe , southofafrica  Good signal
5995 RL 1835-1840 with classical  music  and operas 1846 OM with talks in Russian good
6020 CRI  in Russian 1841 with economic reports Good
9785 VoT with sat freqs in Russian 1910  rather poor signal
9685 cairo ?? 1914 with prg in Russian and BLR garbled audio
9645 Bandeirantes ? with prg till 1930 when  Vatican R  starts on the freq

9620 ?? abt Nigeria 1941  then wit hilife . Eibi shows  VOA Hausa 

Παρασκευή 19 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

Logs 17+18/9

Logs for 17-9 using  HF150 Lowe and  the 8 m antenna in the salon:

7210 RFA  1502  talk in Korean fair signal but full of on off signal
7295  CRI in Hindi 1610-12 Poor
9870 Vivid Bharti 1626 with old (70s) Bollywood songs fair
9975  3 mixed signals on 1639  CNR a Korean and another with music
9990 presume BBC for this freq tough  no ID shown at the end . Program in tamil weith talks speeches and  reports with sudden  s off @1700
9890 VoK mixed with CNr 13 Uyghur  service  1702 . CNR wit good signal
9880 SABC 1703 with prg in a Turkic lang [Tajik  noticed in Eibi]  with many IDs Fair
9835 RTM Sarawak  with poor signal 1730
9820 RA 1750 with nice pop  music fair – good

Logs 18-9 same point
9820   IBRA 1648  in Tigrinya  with religious prg Good
9940 R FA  in Bamar on 1653  , poor (via Irranavila per Eibi )
9400 TOM ?? 1705 TOM’s pastor  with  religious talks . Local signal . nothing on Eibi
9420  ERA  in the oly  freq for that time 1709  43xx4
9730 VO Vietnam 1725 with talks in Viet 1800 in French
9665  Korea 1744  with N Koran operas  Poor
9630 V Asena (?)1757 with hilife songs , man in Amharic  , mentioning  ww.asena.org  or salamia.org  . nothing on eibi  for this
9625 V o Vietnam 1758 in Vietnamese , ot ToH  with a song , many mentions oof Vietnam  etc . Diferent  program  than 9730
9610 IRIB  1805  with language  that seems to Serbian , with many mentions of Iran  and Teheran . strong (Bosnian  per Eibi )

Σάββατο 9 Αυγούστου 2014

Logs in Fourka till 8 /8

Radio logs
Using HF150 * 20 m of wire in the area nearby to Fourka Chalkidiki without WiFi
Typed with tablet used secretly very late nights to avoid daughter's intrusion or misuse

and additions in the home on 9/8  withinfo on the setup .antenna is shown on the sky in above picture 

Antenna  is kept in a tree  with a  rope /twine 
then sealed under as in above picture 
passed  as in the pic above
and then connected  to the radio  this way .speial halogen lamp is used to mnimizse QRM from the standard LED lamp i use i my home's  den

Also in the picture 1126  is shown and the recorder on the front of Lowe

4800 is off today
4835 ABC 2112 talks by man ,songs after ,fair QRM by greek pirate  4832 ,fair
6280 CNR // 6000 // 9840 on2128 with songs wand advert poor 24232
9835 RTM swak with hari raya songs but rather poor signal 2135
15190 Overcomer via WRMI 2140 with relig talks
9745 Kuanghua 2156 old CC song (50s?) talk by YL in clear CC then advert then western song ID
4949.5 RN Angola ? poor signal just carrier
5025 ?? 2205 with marginal signal  Rebelde?
9320 V Vioetnam2217
7420 CNR5 lessons of MO in CC?? fair
7530 Xuab Xaa Moo Zoo 2230 poor signal bassy sound ,ruined by static
11865 VoK 2241 Korean operas fair
11885 Aparecida 2245 OM in PP poor  Checked alo 2/8 with fair
11765  SDRA  with no signal
11720 VoV 2253  talks in Vie
11680 KBS Pyongyang 2255 OM talks with north Korean accent 33443
9690  AR with news in Eng 2305with ID .poor
9380 AIR ? YL talking ,choir singing and continuous on off signal or strong QSB

15160 Romania 1353 with prg in Russian, address etc
15440 AWR i Urrdu /Hindi ,talks by OM At 1420 Hi type song 1424 ID Fair
15450 HCJB " who cares when i heard ' pamphlet  face to face  dot com relig program fair
15460 R Liberty 1443  ID farsi(? Tajik per eibi)   with mention of TJK Fair
15630  RFChosun 1456 YL with talks in KO Poor
15660 CH Africa 1457 with IS ID

15710 AWR inn MZ??? 1501 with relig choir fair
6220 Tango 2223 with tango music Good
6210 R Gold -pir 2224 with oldies two carriers i n freq

9960 Furusato 1447 jap talks over soft music Fair
11665 was heard till1800 with nice ML music Fair

11665 again heard again with good signal on the beach of Fourka in // 9835 on1700
4800 back on 2000
6245 pirate  2110 with old hits ID something as TWR from NL Fair
6260 pirate 2119 only talks poor
6210 Gold 2108 with co ch qrm
6285 pir 2124 rocks ,poor
6320 pir 2123 rocks poor
9300 pir?????2249 rokks mostly old poor passes 2200 w/o ID
15420 WBCQ 2154 with continuous  WBCQ IS reel 24222
9405 FEBC Manila  2314 prg in CC ,relig song Poor
4845 ?? 2218 prg in P talx by OM sounded as football Poor
4875 Roraima ? 2320 OM  talx in PP poor
4885 Para 2322 talx PP ,LA msx mixed ,QRM by FSK @-2
4925 BRZ 2324 marginal  ,lang PP
4955 poss Amauta 2326 OM talx in SP marginal
4985 RBC 2326 marginal
5035 Aparecida? 2329 tested for //11855 but diff to assure
9835 RTMSwak 2331 song 'umpama mimpi dlm mimpi' poor
11730 Family Radio 2337 OM spanish ,poor

6295  Refs Eu 2055 + 2111 relig talks poor
11565 WHRI  0818 boy sounding preaches  ,poor
6095 mighty KBC 0824 old rocks Good
11980 Dnirovska Hvyla 0828 talks in 'RU' then song fair
6286 pir 2056 old rocks poor
6234 pir 2100 marginal
4810 unIDed with talks 2117 then song
recording http://www.ipernity.com/doc/zliangas/34303551
4983.2 geek pirate with 'money for nothing' poor

11665 off checked at 1700 Seems they reverted to their regualar time format
4876 seemingly Uganda 2250 with reggae song Good
6296  pirate 2251 with Cheers!! talks in NL & s/off Good
6240 pirate 2253 old german song Fair
9980 ToM 2257 OM preacher ToM poor
9955 B stair? 2258 poor WRMI ID
9945 CMN radio 2300 many mentions of Campuchea fair
REC http://www.ipernity.com/doc/zliangas/34303561 and
9935 ERA 2306 in// 1512
9900 RA 2308 abt Campuchea & Vietnam Good //9855 poor
9665 V Mission 2314 OM talks in PP poor
9645.1 Bandeirantes 2315 talks by ppl in PP poor
9615 CNR  2319 though nothing in Eibi poor
9380 new //9425 AIR national as per latest news from Ivo with  hindi music and short talks in between Fair
REC http://www.ipernity.com/doc/zliangas/34303565 and http://www.ipernity.com/doc/zliangas/34303553
9330 WBCQ C+ USB talks in EE poor
5985 BRM? 2344 awful music Poor
6134.9 Aparecida 2348 talks in PP IS Fair
6160 Canada 2351 with CBCnews
REC http://www.ipernity.com/doc/zliangas/34303579 with rec  stoped on 0316 then before 2359 the remaain  rec

15582 VoTibet 1351 talks Fair  QRM CNR 15580
15548 voTib?1353 Talks in CC Fair
15505Bang Betar ID then prg Fair
15450 HCJB new ID as Reach Beyond Freq Australia SW 1403 with music as IS .Prg after 1406 Fair
15300 TWR in Urdu 1412 with trad style songs ,address in Lahore Pakistan Faair

15215 FEBA via UAE in Tibetan1228 with talks and address and IS of TWR Fair
15400 Rach Beyond in Indo ,religious talks Fair
15610 WEWN 1244 choir music ,eccles, Poor
15120 BSKSA Riadh 1254 in Bangla ,islamic talks Poor
11685 RJap in Bangla 1340 many refs to BGLD Fair